
53 lines
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{{/* Define the configmap */}}
{{- define "odoo.configmaps" -}}
{{- $fullname := (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" $) -}}
{{- $admin := .Values.odoo.admin -}}
{{- $smtp := .Values.odoo.smtp -}}
{{- $mainPort := .Values.service.main.ports.main.port -}}
{{- $odooPath := .Values.persistence.odoo.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath -}}
{{- $addonsPath := .Values.persistence.addons.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath -}}
{{- $pgdb := .Values.cnpg.main.database -}}
{{- $pguser := .Values.cnpg.main.user -}}
{{- $pgpassword := .Values.cnpg.main.creds.password | trimAll "\"" -}}
{{- $pghost := | trimAll "\"" -}}
{{/* xmlrpc* keys are deprecated and http* keys are used in their place */}}
{{- $reservedKeys := (list "data_dir" "addons_path" "http_enable" "http_interface"
"http_port" "xmlrpc" "xmlrpc_port" "xmlrpc_interface"
"db_port" "db_host" "db_name" "db_user" "db_sslmode"
"db_password") -}}
{{- $userKeys := list -}}
enabled: true
odoo.conf: |
; Paths
data_dir = {{ $odooPath }}
addons_path = {{ $addonsPath }}
; Network Details
http_enable = True
http_port = {{ $mainPort }}
; Database Details
db_port = 5432
db_host = {{ $pghost }}
db_name = {{ $pgdb }}
db_user = {{ $pguser }}
db_sslmode = disable
db_password = {{ $pgpassword }}
{{- range $opt := .Values.odoo.additionalConf -}}
{{- if (mustHas $opt.key $reservedKeys) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Odoo - Key [%v] is not allowed to be modified") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $userKeys = mustAppend $userKeys $opt.key -}}
{{- printf "%s = %s" $opt.key $opt.value | nindent 8 -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (deepEqual $userKeys (uniq $userKeys)) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Odoo - Additional configuration keys must be unique, but got [%v]" (join ", " $userKeys)) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}