image: repository: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: palworld@sha256:19feeefa79edf310ebbe8002a76b254bea9d4e0d3968563bbd616e02087c9111 rconImage: repository: outdead/rcon pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: latest@sha256:f4ab6d4f86525e2d71534b839cc4e2241ffc9278759f7a70ef3aa434c5aec927 securityContext: container: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 service: main: ports: main: protocol: udp port: 8211 rcon: enabled: true ports: rcon: enabled: true protocol: tcp port: 25575 palworld: steam: id: "2394010" username: "" password: "" validate: false game: name: "TrueCharts Palworld Server" description: "A Palworld Server running in Kubernetes" use_auth: true password: "" admin_password: "" auto_reset_guild_time_no_online_players: "72.000000" ban_list_url: "" base_camp_max: 128 base_camp_worker_max: 15 build_object_damage_rate: "1.000000" build_object_deterioration_damage_rate: "1.000000" can_pickup_other_guild_death_penalty_drop: false collection_drop_rate: "1.000000" collection_object_hp_rate: "1.000000" collection_object_respawn_speed_rate: "1.000000" day_time_speed_rate: "1.000000" death_penalty: "ALL" difficulty: "None" drop_item_alive_max_hours: "1.000000" drop_item_max: 3000 drop_item_max_unko: 100 enable_aim_assist_kb: false enable_aim_assist_pad: false enable_defense_other_guild_player: true enable_fast_travel: true enable_friendly_fire: false enable_invader_enemy: true active_unko: false enable_non_login_penalty: true enable_pvp_damage: false exist_players_after_logout: true enemy_drop_item_rate: "1.000000" exp_rate: "1.000000" guild_auto_reset_no_online_players: false is_multiplay: false is_pvp: false is_start_location_select_by_map: true max_players: 32 max_players_coop: 4 max_players_guild: 20 night_time_speed_rate: "1.000000" pal_auto_hp_regene_rate: "1.000000" pal_auto_hp_regene_rate_in_sleep: "1.000000" pal_capture_rate: "1.000000" pal_damage_rate_attack: "1.000000" pal_damage_rate_defense: "1.000000" pal_egg_default_hatching_time: "72.000000" pal_spawn_num_rate: "1.000000" pal_stamina_decreace_rate: "1.000000" pal_stomach_decreace_rate: "1.000000" player_auto_hp_regene_rate: "1.000000" player_auto_hp_regene_rate_in_sleep: "1.000000" player_damage_rate_attack: "1.000000" player_damage_rate_defense: "1.000000" player_stamina_decreace_rate: "1.000000" player_stomach_decreace_rate: "1.000000" region: "" work_speed_rate: "1.000000" update_public_ip: false public_ip: "" params: - -publiclobby params_extra: - -useperfthreads - -NoAsyncLoadingThread - -UseMultithreadForDS backup: enabled: true interval: 120 to_keep: 12 rcon: enabled: true timeout: 10s workload: main: podSpec: initContainers: update-config-ini: enabled: true type: init imageSelector: "image" command: - /bin/sh - -c args: - | config={{ .Values.persistence.serverfiles.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath }}/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer cfgFile=${config}/PalWorldSettings.ini dfCfgFile={{ .Values.persistence.serverfiles.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath }}/DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini update_public_ip="{{ }}" mkdir -p ${config} if [ ! -f "${cfgFile}" ]; then if [ -f "${dfCfgFile}" ]; then echo "Default config file found, copying as cfgFile..." cp "${dfCfgFile}" "${cfgFile}" else echo "Config file not found, fetching..." # Fetch the config file if it doesn't exist, just like the container does wget -qO "${cfgFile}" fi fi set_ini() { local key="${1}" local value="${2}" local flags="" # Initialize an empty string for flags # Loop through arguments starting from the third one for arg in "$@"; do if [ "$arg" != "$key" ] && [ "$arg" != "$value" ]; then flags="$flags $arg" # Append each flag to the flags string fi done # Check if the key exists in the OptionSettings section if ! grep -q 'OptionSettings=(' "$cfgFile"; then echo "OptionSettings section not found in '${cfgFile}'. Skipping..." return fi # Check if the key exists within the OptionSettings section if ! grep -q "${key}=" "$cfgFile"; then echo "Key '${key}' does not exist in the OptionSettings section of '${cfgFile}'. Skipping..." return fi # Iterate over flags for flag in $flags; do case $flag in -q) # Add quotes around the value value="\"$value\"" ;; -b) # Handle boolean flag if [ "$(echo "$value" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" = "true" ]; then value="True" else value="False" fi ;; *) echo "Unknown flag: $flag. Skipping..." ;; esac done # Update the value within the OptionSettings section sed -i "/OptionSettings=(/ { :loop /)$/! { N b loop } s|\(${key}=\)[^,]*|\1${value}| }" "${cfgFile}" # Check if the closing parenthesis is missing, and if so, add it if ! grep -q ')$' "${cfgFile}"; then sed -i "\|OptionSettings=(| s|$|)|" "${cfgFile}" fi echo "Set ${key} to ${value}" } echo "the following options are updating...." set_ini "RCONEnabled" "True" -b set_ini "RCONPort" "{{ .Values.service.rcon.ports.rcon.port }}" set_ini "PublicPort" "{{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port }}" set_ini "ServerPassword" '{{ }}' -q set_ini "AdminPassword" '{{ }}' -q set_ini "ServerName" '{{ }}' -q set_ini "ServerDescription" '{{ }}' -q set_ini "Difficulty" "{{ }}" -q set_ini "DeathPenalty" "{{ }}" -q set_ini "Region" "{{ }}" -q set_ini "AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers" "{{ }}" set_ini "BaseCampMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "BaseCampWorkerMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "BanListURL" "{{ }}" -q set_ini "BuildObjectDamageRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bUseAuth" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableFriendlyFire" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableInvaderEnemy" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableAimAssistPad" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableAimAssistKeyboard" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableNonLoginPenalty" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableFastTravel" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bIsMultiplay" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bIsStartLocationSelectByMap" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bIsPvP" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bExistPlayerAfterLogout" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bActiveUNKO" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers" "{{ }}" -b set_ini "CollectionDropRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "CollectionObjectHpRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "CoopPlayerMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "DayTimeSpeedRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "DropItemMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "DropItemMaxNum_UNKO" "{{ }}" set_ini "DropItemAliveMaxHours" "{{ }}" set_ini "EnemyDropItemRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "GuildPlayerMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "NightTimeSpeedRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalCaptureRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalEggDefaultHatchingTime" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalSpawnNumRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalDamageRateAttack" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalDamageRateDefense" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerDamageRateAttack" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerDamageRateDefense" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerStomachDecreaceRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalStomachDecreaceRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalStaminaDecreaceRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalAutoHPRegeneRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep" "{{ }}" set_ini "ServerPlayerMaxNum" "{{ }}" set_ini "WorkSpeedRate" "{{ }}" set_ini "ExpRate" "{{ }}" # Check if update_public_ip is not true if [ "${update_public_ip}" != "true" ]; then set_ini "PublicIP" "{{ }}" -q fi echo "Done!" containers: main: probes: liveness: type: tcp port: "{{ .Values.service.rcon.ports.rcon.port }}" readiness: type: tcp port: "{{ .Values.service.rcon.ports.rcon.port }}" startup: type: tcp port: "{{ .Values.service.rcon.ports.rcon.port }}" env: # paths STEAMCMD_DIR: "{{ .Values.persistence.steamcmd.mountPath }}" SERVER_DIR: "{{ .Values.persistence.serverfiles.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath }}" # steam GAME_ID: "{{ }}" USERNAME: "{{ .Values.palworld.steam.username }}" PASSWRD: "{{ .Values.palworld.steam.password }}" VALIDATE: "{{ .Values.palworld.steam.validate }}" # game SRV_ADMIN_PWD: "{{ }}" UPDATE_PUBLIC_IP: "{{ }}" GAME_PARAMS: '{{ printf "-port=%v -publicport=%v -rconport=%v %s" .Values.service.main.ports.main.port .Values.service.main.ports.main.port .Values.service.rcon.ports.rcon.port (join " " }}' GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA: '{{ join " " }}' # backup BACKUP: "{{ .Values.palworld.backup.enabled }}" BACKUP_INTERVAL: "{{ .Values.palworld.backup.interval }}" BACKUP_TO_KEEP: "{{ .Values.palworld.backup.to_keep }}" rcon: enabled: true type: Deployment strategy: RollingUpdate replicas: 1 podSpec: containers: rcon: primary: true enabled: true imageSelector: rconImage tty: true stdin: true probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false persistence: steamcmd: enabled: true mountPath: /serverdata/steamcmd serverfiles: enabled: true targetSelector: main: main: mountPath: /serverdata/serverfiles update-config-ini: mountPath: /serverdata/serverfiles palworld-rcon: enabled: true type: configmap objectName: palworld-rcon targetSelector: rcon: rcon: mountPath: /rcon.yaml subPath: rcon.yaml readOnly: true portal: open: enabled: false