{{- define "nextcloud.init.perms" -}} {{- $uid := .Values.securityContext.container.runAsUser -}} {{- $gid := .Values.securityContext.container.runAsGroup -}} {{- $path := .Values.persistence.data.targetSelector.main.main.mountPath }} enabled: true type: install imageSelector: alpineImage securityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false capabilities: disableS6Caps: true add: - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - CHOWN command: /bin/sh args: - -c - | echo "Setting permissions to 700 on data directory [{{ $path }}] ..." chmod 770 {{ $path }} | echo "Failed to set permissions on data directory [{{ $path }}]" echo "Setting ownership to {{ $uid }}:{{ $gid }} on data directory [{{ $path }}] ..." chown {{ $uid }}:{{ $gid }} {{ $path }} | echo "Failed to set ownership on data directory [{{ $path }}]" echo "Finished." {{- end -}}