image: repository: tag: latest@sha256:8e016d9e9d7585457e1fa525b807270d8b7a99689e008c1fb323fd99b21c6478 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent env: CACHE_DOMAINS_REPO: "" CACHE_DOMAINS_BRANCH: "master" UPSTREAM_DNS: ";" # If you are using a single monolithic instance set this to true # USE_GENERIC_CACHE: true # Set IP for the monolithic app, only if USE_GENERIC_CACHE is true # LANCACHE_IP: "" DISABLE_BLIZZARD: false DISABLE_RIOT: false DISABLE_UPLAY: false securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 service: main: ports: main: protocol: UDP port: 53 targetPort: 53 portal: enabled: false