image: repository: tag: v1.81.1@sha256:ca84ec775d436a83fa5f15631fed75da2dcd1bb01ccea6a3071068649886cc7c pullPolicy: IfNotPresent mlImage: repository: tag: v1.81.1@sha256:cf412e50583f590d6c468d10c0bb12404dea325d81d90432da1d59ab74dd616b pullPolicy: IfNotPresent webImage: repository: tag: v1.81.1@sha256:a42f949f5bac4e292b921c216aa351b6110123b667ca8084b50b9f4eb4716b60 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent proxyImage: repository: tag: v1.81.1@sha256:feb275bd3559407535833e86a3fb510603021af473bd04b6ccb14bac35a87422 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent typesenseImage: repository: tag: v0.25.1@sha256:878fa58e17f9ba6223d07530d03139b647300bd2ea185124688b731e3349d705 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: container: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 immich: enable_ml: true enable_typesense: true public_login_page_message: Immich log_level: log service: main: # Main service targets the proxy targetSelector: proxy ports: main: port: 10323 protocol: http targetSelector: proxy targetPort: 8080 server: enabled: true type: ClusterIP # Server is the main container targetSelector: main ports: server: enabled: true primary: true port: 10001 protocol: http targetSelector: main web: enabled: true type: ClusterIP targetSelector: web ports: web: enabled: true primary: true port: 10000 protocol: http targetSelector: web microservices: enabled: true type: ClusterIP targetSelector: microservices ports: microservices: enabled: true primary: true port: 10004 protocol: http targetSelector: microservices machinelearning: enabled: true type: ClusterIP targetSelector: machinelearning ports: machinelearning: enabled: true primary: true port: 10003 protocol: http targetSelector: machinelearning typesense: enabled: true type: ClusterIP targetSelector: typesense ports: typesense: enabled: true primary: true port: 10002 protocol: http targetSelector: typesense persistence: mlcache: enabled: true type: emptyDir targetSelector: machinelearning: machinelearning: mountPath: /mlcache microcache: enabled: true type: emptyDir targetSelector: microservices: microservices: mountPath: /microcache typesense: enabled: true type: emptyDir targetSelector: typesense: typesense: mountPath: /typesensedata library: enabled: true mountPath: /usr/src/app/upload/library targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} uploads: enabled: true mountPath: /usr/src/app/upload/upload targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} thumbs: enabled: true mountPath: /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} profile: enabled: true mountPath: /usr/src/app/upload/profile targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} video: enabled: true mountPath: /usr/src/app/upload/encoded-video targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} externallibrary: enabled: true mountPath: /media targetSelector: # Main pod/container is server main: main: {} microservices: microservices: {} cnpg: main: enabled: true user: immich database: immich redis: enabled: true redisUsername: default portal: open: enabled: true