114 lines
5.3 KiB
114 lines
5.3 KiB
{{- define "plik.secret" -}}
{{- $secretName := printf "%s-plik-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
name: {{ $secretName }}
{{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
plikd.cfg: |
ListenPort = {{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port }}
ListenAddress = ""
Path = ""
SslEnabled = false
SslCert = "plik.crt"
SslKey = "plik.key"
NoWebInterface = false
WebappDirectory = "../webapp/dist"
ClientsDirectory = "../clients"
ChangelogDirectory = "../changelog"
Debug = {{ .Values.plik.general.debug }}
DebugRequests = {{ .Values.plik.general.debug_requests }}
LogLevel = {{ .Values.plik.general.log_level | quote }}
AbuseContact = {{ .Values.plik.general.abuse_contact | quote }}
DownloadDomain = {{ .Values.plik.network.download_domain | quote }}
{{- with .Values.plik.network.download_domain_alias }}
DownloadDomainAlias = [
{{- range $alias := initial . }}
{{- $alias | quote | nindent 6 }},
{{- end -}}
{{- last . | quote | nindent 6 }}
{{- else }}
DownloadDomainAlias = []
{{- end }}
EnhancedWebSecurity = {{ .Values.plik.network.enhanced_web_security }}
SessionTimeout = {{ .Values.plik.network.session_timeout | quote }}
SourceIpHeader = {{ .Values.plik.network.source_ip_header | quote }}
{{- with .Values.plik.network.upload_whitelist }}
UploadWhitelist = [
{{- range $ip := initial . }}
{{- $ip | quote | nindent 6 }},
{{- end -}}
{{- last . | quote | nindent 6 }}
{{- else }}
UploadWhitelist = []
{{- end }}
MaxFileSizeStr = {{ .Values.plik.files.max_file_size | quote }}
MaxFilePerUpload = {{ .Values.plik.files.max_files_per_upload }}
DefaultTTLStr = {{ .Values.plik.files.default_ttl | quote }}
MaxTTLStr = {{ .Values.plik.files.max_ttl | quote }}
FeatureAuthentication = {{ .Values.plik.features.authentication | quote }}
FeatureOneShot = {{ .Values.plik.features.one_shot | quote }}
FeatureRemovable = {{ .Values.plik.features.removable | quote }}
FeatureStream = {{ .Values.plik.features.stream | quote }}
FeaturePassword = {{ .Values.plik.features.password | quote }}
FeatureComments = {{ .Values.plik.features.comments | quote }}
FeatureSetTTL = {{ .Values.plik.features.set_ttl | quote }}
FeatureExtendTTL = {{ .Values.plik.features.extend_ttl | quote }}
FeatureClients = {{ .Values.plik.features.clients | quote }}
FeatureGithub = {{ .Values.plik.features.github | quote }}
GoogleApiClientID = {{ .Values.plik.third_party.google_api_client_id | quote }}
GoogleApiSecret = {{ .Values.plik.third_party.google_api_secret | quote }}
{{- with .Values.plik.third_party.google_valid_domains }}
GoogleValidDomains = [
{{- range $domain := initial . }}
{{- $domain | quote | nindent 6 }},
{{- end -}}
{{- last . | quote | nindent 6 }}
{{- else }}
GoogleValidDomains = []
{{- end }}
OvhApiKey = {{ .Values.plik.third_party.ovh_api_key | quote }}
OvhApiSecret = {{ .Values.plik.third_party.ovh_api_secret | quote }}
OvhApiEndpoint = {{ .Values.plik.third_party.ovh_api_endpoint | quote }}
{{- $backend := .Values.plik.files.data_backend }}
DataBackend = {{ $backend | quote }}
Driver = "postgres"
ConnectionString = {{ .Values.postgresql.url.complete | trimAll "\"" | quote }}
Debug = {{ .Values.plik.general.debug }}
{{- if eq $backend "file" }}
Directory = {{ .Values.persistence.data.mountPath | quote }}
{{- else if eq $backend "gcs" }}
Bucket = {{ .Values.plik.files.gcs.bucket | quote }}
Folder = {{ .Values.plik.files.gcs.folder | quote }}
{{- else if eq $backend "s3" }}
Endpoint = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.endpoint | quote }}
AccessKeyID = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.access_key_id | quote }}
SecretAccessKey = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.secret_access_key | quote }}
Bucket = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.bucket | quote }}
Location = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.location | quote }}
Prefix = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.prefix | quote }}
UseSSL = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.use_ssl }}
PartSize = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.part_size | int }}
SSE = {{ .Values.plik.files.s3.sse | quote }}
{{- else if eq $backend "swift" }}
Container = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.container | quote }}
AuthUrl = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.auth_url | quote }}
UserName = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.username | quote }}
ApiKey = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.api_key | quote }}
Domain = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.domain | quote }}
Tenant = {{ .Values.plik.files.swift.tenant | quote }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}