(also complete the TLS section for ingress configuration using the same hostname as above)
## Organizr GUI Setup
Once the app is deployed, complete the standard installation steps until you get to the Organizr settings page.
### Review Pre-defined Groups
Goto Organizr Settings -> User Management -> Manage Groups
No changes needed here for now unless you want to create a custom group
### Configure Traefik Redirect
Goto Organizr Settings -> Main -> Security
- Set `Enable Traefik Auth Redirect` to on
- Set `Traefik Domain for Return Override` to `https://organizr.example.com` (this should match the address you defined in the Organizr app ingress section)
Once Organizr app is up and running, you must create `forwardAuth` middleware entries inside Traefik in order to use Organizr's authentication on your apps.
We will use the Organizr user groups that map to specific forwardAuth URLs.
The below table shows the example forwardAuth entries that correspond to the user groups in Organizr.
The URLs for these entries use the kubernetes internal DNS address & default port (`10022`) for your Organizr app. You can name the forwardAuth entries whatever you like.
| forwardAuth Name | forwardAuth Address | screenshot |
See Organizr [documentation](https://docs.organizr.app/features/authentication-backends/plex-backend) on "Plex Authentication Backend" for more details.