This quick guide should take you through the steps necessary to setup `Authelia` as your `forwardAuth` for `Traefik`. We'll be using `LLDAP` as the backend for `Authelia` since it's lightweight and simple enough for most users. A more complete video is available on our YouTube Channel.
- Follow the easy steps included in the [Installation Notes](/charts/stable/lldap/installation-notes) for [LLDAP](/charts/stable/lldap/). Change `dc=example,dc=com` to your domain, i.e. `dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=net` and then change your password. Also, make sure you have the `system` train enabled and `CloudnativePG` operator installed, since you'll need it for `LLDAP` and `Authelia`.
- Once in `LLDAP`, create a user inside the `lldap_password_manager` group and change your default `admin` password. That `lldap_password_manager` user will be used to bind to `Authelia`. Here I've created a user called `Steven`, but you can use anything
- The setup for Authelia is very specific and the logs won't tell you where you've messed up, but there's precise steps used to integrate `LLDAP` into `Authelia`. The info comes from the [LLDAP Authelia Docs](/charts/stable/lldap/authelia) and the upstream repo.
- Default Redirection URL: `` - Can be anything, but we'll stick to As well, this will be the ingress URL for `Authelia`.
This section is to set rules to connect to `Authelia` and defines which users can go where. This is a basic general rule where users of the `admin` group (Steven) can access all of the site using a wildcard.
- This part is straight forward as long as you have a working `Traefik` install, please see our [How-To](/charts/premium/traefik/how-to) if you need more info on getting that running.
- Address: `http://authelia.ix-authelia.svc.cluster.local:9091/api/verify?rd=` and replace the last part based on ``, and if you've changed ports/names you can get that from [`HeavyScript`](/deprecated/scale/#heavyscript)
The last step is adding the `forwardauth` along with the standard `ingress` settings for your app, for more info on setting ingress see the [ClusterIssuer Guide](/charts/premium/clusterissuer/how-to). What changes versus a standard setup is the `Traefik Middlewares` section, where you must add your `forwardauth` to the section.
The origin material for this guide is available on the [LLDAP Github]( While further information on Authelia can be found on their [Github]( and [website](
### Support
If you have any issues with following this guide, we can be reached using [Discord]( for real-time feedback and support.