Truecharts is an innitiative to provide high quality Apps to use with the TrueNAS SCALE App Ecosystem.
Our primary goals are:
- Freedom
- Stability
- Consistancy
All our apps are supposed to work together, be easy to setup using the TrueNAS UI and, above all, give the average user more than enough options to tune things to their liking.
Creating charts takes some getting used to, as it's based on Helm charts. We highly suggest prior knowhow on creation/modifying Helm Charts, before taking on the challenge of creating SCALE Apps.
## Licence
`SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause`
Truecharts as a whole, is based on a BSD-3-clause license, this ensures almost everyone can use and modify our charts. However: As a lot of Apps are based on upstream Helm Charts, Licences can vary on a per-App basis. This can easily be seen by the presence of a "LICENSE" file in the App rootfolder.