- Ensure you have the `enterprise` and `operators` trains enabled for `TrueCharts` as discussed [here](https://truecharts.org/manual/SCALE/guides/getting-started#adding-truecharts).
- [Traefik](https://truecharts.org/charts/enterprise/traefik/) is installed from enterprise train
- [Cert-Mananger](https://truecharts.org/charts/operators/cert-manager/) and [Prometheus-Operator](https://truecharts.org/charts/operators/prometheus-operator/) are installed from the operators train
As part of the DNS verification process cert-manager will connect to authoritative nameservers to validate the DNS ACME entry. Any firewall or router rules blocking or modifying DNS traffic will cause this process to fail and prevent the issuance of certificates. Ensure no firewall or router rules are in place blocking or modifying DNS traffic to assigned authoritative nameservers. Below is an example of cloudflare assigned authoritative nameservers (these nameservers are unique to each user).
It is important to configure Scale with reliable nameserver to avoid issues handling DNS-01 challenges. Under Network -> Global Configuration-> Nameservers, we recommend setting or
You can setup multiple domains and/or DNS providers with a single `clusterissuer` app.
### Cloudflare DNS Provider
#### Create a Cloudflare API token
Login to Cloudflare dashboard and go to the [Cloudflare API Tokens](https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens) page. Select Edit Zone DNS template.
More detail can be found on the upstream [Cert-Manager](https://cert-manager.io/) documentaition for [Cloudflare](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/acme/dns01/cloudflare/).
Once installed using the Ingress settings above, you can see the `Application Events` for the app in question to pull the certificate and issue the challenge directly. See the example below: