With TrueNAS SCALE, it's possible to automatically generate certificates for your domain(s) using letsencrypt. However, this process is not very self-explainatory.
After you managed to complete this how-to, you should be able to select "iX Certificate" as certificate option and your personal certificate in the other drop-down box!
##### Requirements
To use iX Certificates with letsencrypt there are a few requirements:
- Preferably use a DNS server that doesn't have any caching (no local DNS server) for your TrueNAS system.
- Have an email address entered for your TrueNAS SCALE `root` user. (this email will also be used for letsencrypt reminder!)
- Own a domain name
- Use either Cloudflare or AWS Route53 for your domain. (In case you wonder: Using Cloudflare as DNS provider is free)
- Have an active internet connection so TrueNAS SCALE can contact Cloudflare or AWS to verify your domain ownership
##### How-To
- Click `Credentials` in the Left side menu and go the `Certificates` page.
- Notice `ACME DNS-Authenticators`, select `Add` besides `ACME DNS-Authenticators` to open the menu for adding your DNS provider for domain verification.
- Enter the required information and click `save`.
For Cloudflare you need either a global API-Key or a limited-scope API token. Please refer to cloudflare and/or AWS on how to get the required credentials.
- Notice `Certificate Signing Requests`, select `Add` besides `Certificate Signing Requests` to open the menu for adding the domain information you want a certificate for.
- Notice your new `Certificate Signing Request` showing up in the box below `Certificate Signing Requests`. Also notice the small `wrench` icon to the right of your `Certificate Signing Request`
- Click the small `wrench` icon, this will open the `Create ACME Certificate` menu. In this menu we can actually request either a real (Production) certificate or a testing (staging) certificate from Letsencrypt.
For clearity, it's advicable to use the same Authenticator for all domain names. However: It's okey to generate both a testing and a staging certificate for the same domain.
- After saving and awaiting the generation proces, you should end up with another `Certificate Signing Request` and a new `Certificate` under `Certificates`, this new `Certificate Signing Request` is used to renew your `Certificate` in the future and should not be deleted!