A utility to "burn-in" a new disk, before adding it to your array has been requested several times. Also requested is a process to "pre-clear" a hard disk before adding it to your array. When a special "signature" is detected, the lengthy "clearing" step otherwise performed by TrueNAS is skipped.
TrueCharts can be installed as both *normal* Helm Charts or as Apps on TrueNAS SCALE.
This readme is just an automatically generated general guide on installing our Helm Charts and Apps.
**This chart is not maintained by the upstream project and any issues with the chart should be raised [here](https://github.com/truecharts/charts/issues/new/choose)**
To upgrade, rollback or delete this Chart from TrueNAS SCALE check our [Quick-Start Guide](https://truecharts.org/docs/manual/SCALE%20Apps/Upgrade-rollback-delete-an-App).
Other values may be used from the [values.yaml](https://github.com/truecharts/library-charts/tree/main/charts/stable/common/values.yaml) from the [common library](https://github.com/truecharts/library-charts/tree/main/charts/common).
If you need to connect this Chart to other Charts on TrueNAS SCALE, please refer to our [Linking Charts Internally](https://truecharts.org/docs/manual/SCALE%20Apps/linking-apps) quick-start guide.