Add readme explaining basic schema

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Waqar Ahmed 2020-10-20 21:40:37 +05:00
parent afb7ea9180
commit cd8b7afa8f
1 changed files with 108 additions and 0 deletions

108 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# iX Official Catalog
A curated collection of TrueNAS SCALE enhanced Helm charts.
## TrueNAS SCALE Chart Structure
A TrueNAS SCALE chart repository differs slightly in directory structure from upstream repos in that it includes an `app version` directory.
A TrueNAS SCALE chart also has three additional files an `` file that provides a high level overview display in the TrueNAS SCALE UI and a `questions.yaml` file defining questions to prompt the user with and an `item.yaml` file outlining item specific details.
There are 2 directories `charts` and `test`, each representing a train. Chart releases created from catalog items in a specific train cannot be moved to another train.
charts/ix-chart/<chart version>/ # TrueNAS SCALE Specific: Readme file for display in TrueNAS SCALE UI
charts/ # Directory containing dependency charts
Chart.yaml # Required Helm chart information file
questions.yaml # TrueNAS SCALE Specific: File containing questions for TrueNAS SCALE UI # Optional: Helm Readme file (will be rendered in TrueNAS SCALE UI as well)
requirements.yaml # Optional YAML file listing dependencies for the chart
templates/ # A directory of templates that, when combined with values.yml will generate K8s YAML
values.yaml # The default configuration values for this chart
*See the upstream Helm chart [developer reference]( for a complete walk through of developing charts.*
To convert an upstream chart to take advantage of TrueNAS SCALE enhanced UX, first create an `item.yaml` file.
This file among other catalog item information provides a list of categories that this chart fits into. This helps users navigate and filtering when browsing the catalog UI.
$ cat charts/ix-chart/item.yaml
- generic
icon_url: "http://ix_url"
After that create `` file.
$ cat charts/ix-chart/<chart version>/
# Wordpress ROCKS!
Then add a `questions.yaml` file to prompt the user for something.
- name: "Container Images"
description: "Image to be used for container"
- variable: image
description: "Docker Image Details"
group: "Container Images"
type: dict
required: true
- variable: repository
description: "Docker image repository"
label: "Image repository"
type: string
required: true
- variable: tag
description: "Tag to use for specified image"
label: "Image Tag"
type: string
default: "latest"
- variable: pullPolicy
description: "Docker Image Pull Policy"
label: "Image Pull Policy"
type: string
default: "IfNotPresent"
- "IfNotPresent"
- "Always"
- "Never"
The above will prompt the user with 2 text fields and a dropdown in the UI getting details for image configuration in a helm chart.
#### Question Variable Reference
| Variable | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | --- |------------- |
| variable | string | true | define the variable name specified in the `values.yaml`file. |
| label | string | true | define the UI label. |
| description | string | false | specify the description of the variable. |
| group | string | false | group questions by input value. |
| schema | dictionary | true | specify schema details for the `variable` |
| schema.type | string | true | specify type of value for `variable` (current supported types are string, int, boolean, path, hostpath, list, dict, ipaddr, and cron).|
| schema.required | bool | false | define if the variable is required or not (true \ false), defaults to false |
| schema.default | object | false | specify the default value. |
| schema.min_length | int | false | min character length for string type variable.|
| schema.max_length | int | false | max character length for string type variable.|
| schema.min | int | false | min integer length. |
| schema.max | int | false | max integer length. |
| schema.enum | []string | false | specify the options when the variable type is `string`, for example, <br><br>enum:<br> - "RollingUpdate" <br> - "Recreate"|
| schema.valid_chars | string | false | regular expression for input chars validation. |
| schema.subquestions | []subquestion | false | add an array of subquestions.|
| schema.show_if | string | false | show current variable if condition specified is true, for example `show_if: [["workloadType", "=", "CronJob"]]` |
| schema.show_subquestions_if | string | false | show subquestions if is true or equal to one of the options. for example `show_subquestion_if: "static"`. system will convert this to the filters format specifid for `shcema.show_if` automatically.|
| schema.attrs | []variables | false | specified when `schema.type` is dictionary to declare attributes allowed in the dictionary. |
| schema.items | []variables | false | specified when `schema.type` is list to declare attributes allowed in the list. |
**subquestions**: `subquestions[]` cannot contain `subquestions` or `show_subquestions_if` keys, but all other keys in the above table are supported. Also variables having `schema.type` list do not support `subquestions`.