* chore(questions): replace port parts with templates
* chore(questions): replace controller parts with templates
* remove tons of whitespce
* remove quotes from strings on templates
* make complete controller an include
* default to recreate
* remove replica and strategies as it's covered from controllerStrtegies include
* remove whitespace again
* replace controllertype with include (deployment/daemonset/statefulset)
* replace advanced port part except targetport
* remove more quotes
* add hidden toggle of enable the port
* new includes
* update build script
* controller deploy/stateful/deamon template changes
* replace controllerStrategies with replicas, replica#, strategy, recreate
* move 2 templates into a subfolder
* remove quotes
* remove disabled portals from questions and defined them on values
* remove enabled portal from the questions and add it on values
* one more app
* Portal cleanup
* remove portal templates
* add more includes
* replace portal links
* move some templates in folders
* replace ingressRoot with template
* more grouping
* replace persistenceroot with template
* replace serviceExpertRoot
* replace serviceroot
* fix a rogue one
* vctRoot
* securityContext cleanup
* remove quotes from templates on string
* replace vctRoot
* replace advanedSecurityRoot
* replace podsecurity root
* Update .github/scripts/build-catalog.sh
* Update values.yaml
* remove dupe portal
* update build-release script
* fix paths
* fix apps with imageSelector
Co-authored-by: Kjeld Schouten-Lebbing <kjeld@schouten-lebbing.nl>
* fix(apps): move conflicting ports to 10xxx range
* remove `protocol: TCP` as its the default anyway
* Change `"HTTP"` -> `HTTP` to much common
* lms udp port should be udp protocol
* resolve some conflicts
* clear port 80 conficts
* clean 3000 and 5000 port conflicts
* more conflict cleaning
* more conflict cleaning
* more cleanup
* more
* cleanup
* Avoid confclicts with official apps
* fix(apps): Default enable all services
* replace code with template
* minio
* tdarr
* aria2
* calibre
* deconz
* deluge
* littlelink
* lms
* main service and port is enabled by default
* main service and port is enabled by default pt2
* remove `type: NodePort` from values.yaml on services
* Remove `type: ClusterIP` from `values.yaml` on services
* add serviceexpert on nextcloud
* nullserv
* odoo
* protonmail-bridge split smtp and main services
* openldap
* oscam
* owncast
* pihole
* remove `enabled: true` on main from traefik and external-service
* remove `primary: true`
* qbit
* resilio sync
* vaultwarden
* valheim
* syncthing
* unfi
* zwavejs2mqtt
* teamspeak3
* transmission
* tvheadend
* test protonmail main enabled
* there is no main in protonmail duh...
* remove `protocol: tcp` from ports on `values.yaml` as this is the default in common
* Apply security hardened defaults to values.yaml for all apps
* Add default common securityContext to all apps
* Adjust securityContext defaults in questions.yaml, according to values.yaml
* Add default common podSecurityContext to all apps
* Clean whitespace
* Clean more whitespace
* Adjust podSecurityContext defaults in questions.yaml, according to values.yaml
* fix pgadmin
Co-authored-by: Stavros kois <s.kois@outlook.com>
* remove strategy
* move runAsNonRoot to securityContext
* Add podSecurityContext and securityContext to values pt1
* Add podSecurityContext and securityContext to values pt2
* Add podSecurityContext and securityContext to values pt3
* Add podSecurityContext and securityContext to values pt4
* Add podSecurityContext and securityContext to values pt5
* fix empty lines
* Remove secCont from NC - values
* fixPermissions for some apps
* on apps with perm prob, set fsGroup to 0 also
* add SCALE support for statefullset storageclass
* add phpldapadmin
* ad pgadmin and tweak phpldapdamin
* move them directly into stable
* some small patches
* pgadmin uses port 80 by default not 8080
* fix tags
* try 8080 again
* 80 with env vars
* try something else
* update readme