* chore(apps): remove persistence size from values
* remove type from persistence from values.yaml
* remove accessMode from persistence from values
* devices dont user persistence
* remove empty lines
* restore accessMode in common, whoops
* quote all mountPaths
* convert `'` to `"`
* fix empty lines
* add missing mountPath on values
* add missing persistence on values
* fix var name on quetsions
* remove disabled persistence from values which are not even defined in questions
* remove more type, accessMode and size
* mountpath -> mountPath
* mounthPath -> mountPath
* booksonic-air persistence cleanup
* remove empty lines
* fix mountPath
* remove unused persistence
* teamspeak3 fix var name in persistence
* remove persistence that will probably be user defined storage
* remove persistence that will probably be user defined storage
* add missing persistence from values
* fix openldap volclaim
* remove persistence that will probably be user defined storage
* add missing persistence from values
* fix path ff3
* fix mountPath
* add missing persistence from values
* remove persistence that will probably be user defined storage
* revert changes in volClaimTemplate
* remove varrun from questions
* fix and cleanup questions postgres
* calm down CI
* ci only value
* update deployment settings
* hide securityContext by default
* replace bottom persistence section with include
* temporaryly remove hostPathType
* Cleanup basic persistence settings
* Allow simplePVC to also be used for volumeClaimTemplates