# Default values # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # The Image to use for PLEX image: repository: plexinc/pms-docker tag: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ##### START --> Official PLEX container environment variables # Override this with the plex claim token from plex.tv/claim claimToken: "" # Set the timezone of the plex server timezone: "Etc/UTC" # add your pod network subnet to the `List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth` # This will override the manual settings, so only use this if you will not need to change it manually. # This list will be automatically converted to a command seperated string when passed to the container. # You would specify this when using helm CLI with --set allowedNetworks="{,}" # allowedNetworks: # - # - # Instruct the Plex Media Server Container to Change the Configuration Directory Ownership # Default is true, you would only need to set this if you want to disable it. # changeConfigDirOwnership: true # advertiseIp This variable defines the additional IPs on which the server may be be found. # For example: # This adds to the list where the server advertises that it can be found. # See https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker/ for details # advertiseIp: "" # Set The user id of the plex user created inside the container. # See https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker/ for details # plexUid: 1000 # Set The group id of the plex group created inside the container # See https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker/ for details # plexGid: 1000 ##### END --> Official PLEX container environment variables # You can add as many Additional ENV variables here # The following is the same as --set extraEnv.TMPDIR="/transcode" # extraEnv: # TMPDIR: /transcode # upgrade strategy type (e.g. Recreate or RollingUpdate) strategyType: Recreate plexServiceTCP: port: 32400 hostNetwork: false transcodeHostPathEnabled: false dataHostPathEnabled: false configHostPathEnabled: false proxy: # This allows to set a proxy environment variable, which PMS uses to fetch the token and assets like movie cover enabled: false # http: "http://proxy:8080" # https: "https://proxy:8080" # noproxy: "localhost,,," gpuConfiguration: {} emptyDirVolumes: true