name: "Charts: Release" concurrency: helm-release on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - master paths: - "charts/**" jobs: release-helm: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Checkout Helm-Staging uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4 with: fetch-depth: 1 repository: truecharts/helm-staging token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} path: helm - name: Install pre-commit, yamale and yamllint run: | pip3 install --no-cache-dir pre-commit - name: Fix Pre-Commit issues shell: bash run: | echo "Running pre-commit test-and-cleanup..." pre-commit run --all ||: # Fix sh files to always be executable find . -name '*.sh' | xargs chmod +x # Optional step if GPG signing is used - name: Clean Questions shell: bash run: | find ./helm -type f -name 'questions.yaml' -exec rm {} \; - name: Commit Helm Changes run: | rm -rf helm/charts mkdir helm/charts cp -rf charts helm - name: Commit Helm Changes run: | cd helm git config "TrueCharts-Bot" git config "" git add --all git commit -sm "Commit released Helm Charts for TrueCharts" || exit 0 git push cd - release-scale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: ref: ${{ }} steps: - name: Install Kubernetes tools uses: yokawasa/action-setup-kube-tools@5fe385031665158529decddddb51d6224422836e # v0.11.1 with: setup-tools: | helmv3 helm: "3.14.0" - name: Prep go-yq run: | wget -O /usr/local/bin/go-yq && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/go-yq # Optional step if GPG signing is used - name: Prepare GPG key shell: bash run: | mkdir -p "$gpg_dir" keyring="$gpg_dir/secring.gpg" base64 -d <<< "$GPG_KEYRING_BASE64" > "$keyring" passphrase_file="$gpg_dir/passphrase" echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" > "$passphrase_file" echo "CR_PASSPHRASE_FILE=$passphrase_file" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo "CR_KEYRING=$keyring" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" env: GPG_KEYRING_BASE64: "${{ secrets.GPG_KEYRING_BASE64 }}" GPG_PASSPHRASE: "${{ secrets.GPG_PASSPHRASE }}" - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Prep Helm shell: bash run: | ./.github/scripts/ - name: Setting repo parent dir as safe run: git config --global --add "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE" - name: Collect changes id: collect-changes uses: ./.github/actions/collect-changes - name: Generate Changelog shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | export GOBIN=/usr/local/bin/ go install CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) parthreads=$(($(nproc) * 2)) parallel -j ${parthreads} .github/scripts/ '2>&1' ::: ${CHARTS[@]} - name: Fix Pre-Commit issues shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | echo "Running pre-commit test-and-cleanup..." pre-commit run --all ||: # Fix sh files to always be executable find . -name '*.sh' | xargs chmod +x - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: fetch-depth: 1 repository: truecharts/website token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} path: website - name: Copy docs to website if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' shell: bash run: | #!/bin/bash CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) echo "Removing Chart Docs prior to regeneration..." mkdir -p website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons || echo "chart-icons path already exists, continuing..." mkdir -p website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons-small || echo "chart-icons-small path already exists, continuing..." for i in "${CHARTS[@]}" do IFS='/' read -r -a chart_parts <<< "$i" if [ -f "charts/${chart_parts[0]}"/"${chart_parts[1]}/Chart.yaml" ]; then train=${chart_parts[0]} chart=${chart_parts[1]} echo "copying docs to website for ${chart}" mkdir -p website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart} || echo "chart path already exists, continuing..." mkdir -p tmp/website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ || echo "chart path already exists, continuing..." if [[ -f "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" ]]; then echo "changelog found..." true else echo "changelog not found, starting with empty changelog..." touch "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" fi echo "Keeping some docs safe..." # keep some docs safe mv -f website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ tmp/website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ || : echo "Removing old docs and recreating based on charts repo..." # remove old docs everywhere and recreate based on charts repo rm -rf website/src/content/docs/charts/*/${chart} || : mkdir -p website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart} || echo "chart path already exists, continuing..." yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/docs/* website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/icon.webp website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons/${chart}.webp 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/icon-small.webp website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons-small/${chart}.webp 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/screenshots/* website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-screenshots/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : echo "Copying back kept docs..." # Copy over kept documents mv -f tmp/website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : echo "Appending SCALE changelog to actual changelog..." # Add SCALE changelog to actual changelog # Remove header from changelog sed -i '/^---$/,/^---$/d' "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" # Prepend app-changelog to changelog cat "charts/${train}/${chart}/" | cat - "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" > temp && mv temp "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" echo "Adding changelog header..." sed -i '1s/^/---\ntitle: Changelog\n---\n\n/' "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" || echo "failed to add changelog header..." echo "Creating" touch website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ ( echo "---" echo "title: ${chart}" echo "---" ) >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ version=$(cat charts/${train}/${chart}/Chart.yaml | grep "^version: " | awk -F" " '{ print $2 }') appversion=$(cat charts/${train}/${chart}/Chart.yaml | grep "^appVersion: " | awk -F" " '{ print $2 }') echo '![Version: '"${version}"']('"${version}"'-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: '"${appversion}"']('"${appversion}"'-informational?style=flat-square)' >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ cat charts/${train}/${chart}/Chart.yaml | yq .description -r >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "## Chart Sources" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ cat charts/${train}/${chart}/Chart.yaml | go-yq .sources -r >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "## Available Documentation" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "Iterating over all files in the docs directory..." # Iterate over all files in the docs directory for file in website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/*.md*; do # Extract the file name and first line from each file filename=$(basename "${file}") echo "Found doc file: ${file}" ok_title="false" echo "Getting the first line" h=$(head -n 1 "${file}") echo "The first line is: ${h}. Checking validity..." # Check if the first line has --- if [[ "${h}" == "---" ]]; then echo "First line is ---, continuing..." ok_title="true" elif [[ "${h}" == "# "* ]]; then echo "First line is #..." ok_title="false" fi if [ ${ok_title} == "false" ]; then echo "Doc title should use front matter and not # for title, for example" echo "---" echo "title: some title" echo "---" else echo "Not bad title found, continuing..." title=$(cat "${file}" | grep "title: " | sed 's/title: //' | head -n 1) echo "The title is: ${title}" # Create a markdown link using the file name and title filename="${filename##*/}" filenameURL=${filename%.*} filenameURL=${filenameURL,,} link="[**${title}**](./${filenameURL})" echo "The link is: ${link}" if [ ${filename} != "" ]; then # Append the link to the file echo "- ${link}" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ fi fi done echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "## Readme Content" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ echo "" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ tail -n +4 "charts/${train}/${chart}/" >> website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ sed -i 's/##/###/' "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" cat "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" >> "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" rm "website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/" || echo "couldnt delete" rm -rf temp || : fi done - name: Commit Website Changes if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetected == 'true' run: | cd website git config "TrueCharts-Bot" git config "" git add --all git commit -sm "Commit released docs for TrueCharts" || exit 0 git push - name: Checkout Catalog uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: fetch-depth: 1 repository: truecharts/catalog token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} ref: staging path: catalog - name: build catalog shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) ./charttool deps ./charttool buildSCALE - name: Commit Catalog if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetected == 'true' run: | cd catalog git config "TrueCharts-Bot" git config "" git add --all git commit -sm "Commit new Chart releases for TrueCharts" || exit 0 git push cd -