name: "Charts: Release" concurrency: helm-release on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - master paths: - "charts/**" jobs: release-scale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: steps: - name: Install Kubernetes tools uses: yokawasa/action-setup-kube-tools@b91bb02bc122bd84ac7bbea5f25ed6b0f2ec6275 # tag=v0.9.2 with: setup-tools: | helmv3 helm: "3.8.0" - name: Install helm-docs run: | wget -O /tmp/helm-docs.deb sudo dpkg -i /tmp/helm-docs.deb - name: Prep Helm run: | helm repo add truecharts helm repo add truecharts-library helm repo add bitnami helm repo add metallb helm repo add grafana helm repo add prometheus helm repo update - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # tag=v3 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Collect changes id: collect-changes uses: ./.github/actions/collect-changes - name: Generate README for changed charts shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) parthreads=$(($(nproc) * 2)) parallel -j ${parthreads} .github/scripts/ '2>&1' ::: ${CHARTS[@]} - name: Fix Pre-Commit issues shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | echo "Running pre-commit test-and-cleanup..." pre-commit run --all ||: # Fix sh files to always be executable find . -name '*.sh' | xargs chmod +x - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # tag=v3 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: fetch-depth: 1 repository: truecharts/website token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} path: website - name: Copy docs to website if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' shell: bash run: | #!/bin/bash CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) echo "Removing Chart Docs prior to regeneration..." mkdir -p website/static/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons || echo "chart-icons path already exists, continuing..." for i in "${CHARTS[@]}" do IFS='/' read -r -a chart_parts <<< "$i" if [ -f "charts/${chart_parts[0]}"/"${chart_parts[1]}/Chart.yaml" ]; then train=${chart_parts[0]} chart=${chart_parts[1]} echo "copying docs to website for ${chart}" rm -rf website/docs/charts/*/${chart} mkdir -p website/docs/charts/${train}/${chart} || echo "chart path already exists, continuing..." yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/ website/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/ website/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/docs/* website/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : yes | cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/icon.png website/static/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons/${chart}.png 2>/dev/null || : fi done - name: Create commit id: create-commit if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@49620cd3ed21ee620a48530e81dba0d139c9cb80 # v4 with: file_pattern: charts/**/ commit_message: "chore: Auto-update chart README [skip ci]" commit_user_name: truecharts-bot commit_user_email: commit_author: truecharts-bot - name: Save commit hash id: save-commit-hash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | if [ "${{ steps.create-commit.outputs.changes_detected || 'unknown' }}" = "true" ]; then echo '::set-output name=commit_hash::${{ steps.create-commit.outputs.commit_hash }}' else echo "::set-output name=commit_hash::${GITHUB_SHA}" fi - name: Commit Website Changes if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetected == 'true' run: | cd website git config "TrueCharts-Bot" git config "" git add --all git commit -sm "Commit released docs for TrueCharts" || exit 0 git push cd - rm -rf website - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # tag=v3 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: fetch-depth: 1 repository: truecharts/catalog token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} ref: staging path: catalog - name: build catalogs shell: bash if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | pip install yq CHARTS=(${{ steps.collect-changes.outputs.modifiedChartsAfterTag }}) parthreads=$(($(nproc) * 2)) parallel -j ${parthreads} .github/scripts/ '2>&1' ::: ${CHARTS[@]} - name: Commit Catalog if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetected == 'true' run: | cd catalog git config "TrueCharts-Bot" git config "" git add --all git commit -sm "Commit new Chart releases for TrueCharts" || exit 0 git push cd - rm -rf catalog - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # tag=v3 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} ref: ${{ }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Configure Git if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' run: | git config "truecharts-bot" git config "" - name: Run chart-releaser uses: helm/chart-releaser-action@98bccfd32b0f76149d188912ac8e45ddd3f8695f # tag=v1.4.1 if: | steps.collect-changes.outputs.changesDetectedAfterTag == 'true' with: charts_dir: charts/dependency charts_repo_url: env: CR_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}" CR_SKIP_EXISTING: "true"