image: repository: tag: 1.36.1@sha256:ff48e6baf602b5d77b9a9d180cd78c4a2d0ec7f377d33dc0fe0437344f723a8b pullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false capabilities: add: - SYS_PTRACE podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 fsGroup: 201 # -- The service account the pods will use to interact with the Kubernetes API serviceAccount: main: create: true configmap: configs: enabled: true data: netdata-conf: |- [global] memory mode = dbengine dbengine multihost disk space = 4096 page cache size = 64 go-d-conf: |- modules: k8s_state: yes go-d-k8s-state-conf: |- jobs: - name: k8s_state update_every: 1 rbac: main: enabled: true rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - "pods" - "nodes" - "nodes/metrics" # - "services" # used by agent service discovery # - "configmaps" # used by agent service discovery # - "secrets" # used by agent service discovery verbs: - "get" - "list" - "watch" - apiGroups: [""] resources: - "namespaces" verbs: - "get" env: MY_NODE_NAME: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName MY_POD_NAMESPACE: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace MY_POD_NAME: fieldRef: fieldPath: secretEnv: NETDATA_CLAIM_URL: "" NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN: "" NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS: "" service: main: ports: main: port: 19999 targetPort: 19999 probes: liveness: path: "/api/v1/info" readiness: path: "/api/v1/info" startup: path: "/api/v1/info" persistence: config: enabled: true mountPath: "/etc/netdata" lib: enabled: true mountPath: "/var/lib/netdata" cache: enabled: true mountPath: "/var/cache/netdata" passwd: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/etc/passwd" mountPath: "/host/etc/passwd" readOnly: true group: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/etc/group" mountPath: "/host/etc/group" readOnly: true proc: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/proc" mountPath: "/host/proc" readOnly: true dev: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/dev" mountPath: "/host/dev" readOnly: true sys: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/sys" mountPath: "/host/sys" readOnly: true os: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: "/etc/os-release" mountPath: "/host/etc/os-release" readOnly: true netdata-configs: enabled: "true" mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.netdata.conf" subPath: "netdata-conf" type: "custom" volumeSpec: configMap: name: '{{ printf "%v-configs" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }}' go-d-configs: enabled: "true" mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.go.d.conf" subPath: "go-d-conf" type: "custom" volumeSpec: configMap: name: '{{ printf "%v-configs" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }}' go-d-k8s-state-configs: enabled: "true" mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/go.d/.k8s_state.conf" subPath: "go-d-k8s-state-conf" type: "custom" volumeSpec: configMap: name: '{{ printf "%v-configs" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }}' initContainers: create-config: name: create-config image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}" volumeMounts: - name: config mountPath: "/etc/netdata" - name: netdata-configs mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.netdata.conf" subPath: netdata-conf readOnly: true - name: go-d-configs mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.go.d.conf" subPath: go-d-conf readOnly: true - name: go-d-k8s-state-configs mountPath: "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/go.d/.k8s_state.conf" subPath: go-d-k8s-state-conf readOnly: true command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"] args: - |- copy_config () { local confSource="$1" local confTarget="$2" local dirTarget dirTarget="$(dirname "${confTarget}")" if [ ! -f "$confTarget" ]; then if [ ! -d "${dirTarget}" ]; then mkdir -p "$dirTarget" fi; cp "$confSource" "$confTarget" echo "Content of $(basename "${confTarget}")" cat "$confTarget" else echo "Config $confTarget exists, skipping..." fi; } export -f copy_config copy_config "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.netdata.conf" "/etc/netdata/netdata.conf" copy_config "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/.go.d.conf" "/etc/netdata/go.d.conf" copy_config "/etc/netdata/truecharts-defaults/go.d/.k8s_state.conf" "/etc/netdata/go.d/k8s_state.conf" portal: enabled: true