# Include{groups} portals: {} questions: # Include{global} # Include{workload} # Include{workloadDeployment} # Include{replicas1} # Include{podSpec} # Include{containerMain} - variable: env label: Image Environment schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: ACCESS_KEY label: "ACCESS_KEY" schema: type: string default: "Container Variable: ACCESS_KEY" - variable: SECRET_KEY label: "SECRET_KEY" schema: type: string default: "Container Variable: SECRET_KEY" - variable: GCSPATH label: "GCSPATH" schema: type: string default: "gs://mybucket/" - variable: GCSOPTIONS label: "GCSOPTIONS" schema: type: string default: "" - variable: CRON_SCHEDULE label: "CRON_SCHEDULE" schema: type: string default: "0 * * * *" # Include{containerBasic} # Include{containerAdvanced} # Include{containerConfig} # Include{podOptions} # Include{serviceExpert} # Include{serviceList} # Include{persistenceRoot} - variable: google-cloud-storage-backup label: "google-cloud-storage-backup Storage" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{persistenceBasic} # Include{persistenceList} # Include{securityContextRoot} - variable: runAsUser label: "runAsUser" description: "The UserID of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 0 - variable: runAsGroup label: "runAsGroup" description: "The groupID of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 0 # Include{securityContextContainer} # Include{securityContextAdvanced} # Include{securityContextPod} - variable: fsGroup label: "fsGroup" description: "The group that should own ALL storage." schema: type: int default: 568 # Include{resources} # Include{advanced} # Include{addons} # Include{codeserver} # Include{netshoot} # Include{vpn} # Include{documentation}