image: repository: tag: 6.2.2@sha256:0218c934ee444a8e7c128977cd32b3f1fbe9f3125a30a81065ab7748388382db pullPolicy: IfNotPresent frontImage: repository: tag: 6.2.2@sha256:e0226b1194dd411ee0782a80f9d4ef5a0dbaefd33b68bd37532f10e81d129baf pullPolicy: IfNotPresent snmptrapsImage: repository: tag: 6.2.2@sha256:eb6e0e5d2a8faf04effddd2a07207594dd0745ee429d914ab5c011a6559d3814 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tty: true securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 env: DB_SERVER_PORT: 5432 POSTGRES_USER: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername }}" POSTGRES_DB: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase }}" ZBX_WEBSERVICEURL: "http://localhost:8080/report" ZBX_ENABLE_SNMP_TRAPS: true # User Defined ZBX_LOADMODULE: "" ZBX_TIMEOUT: 4 POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: postgresql-password DB_SERVER_HOST: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: plainhost service: main: ports: main: port: 10211 targetPort: 8080 server: enabled: true ports: server: enabled: true port: 10212 targetPort: 10051 snmptraps: enabled: true ports: snmptraps: protocol: UDP enabled: true port: 162 targetPort: 1162 probes: liveness: custom: true spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - "until zabbix_server -R ha_status; do sleep 2; done" readiness: custom: true spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - "until zabbix_server -R ha_status; do sleep 2; done" startup: custom: true spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - "until zabbix_server -R ha_status; do sleep 2; done" frontendConfig: ZBX_SERVER_NAME: "My Zabbix Instance" ZBX_MAXEXECUTIONTIME: 300 ZBX_MEMORYLIMIT: "128M" ZBX_POSTMAXSIZE: "16M" ZBX_UPLOADMAXFILESIZE: "2M" ZBX_MAXINPUTTIME: 300 ZBX_DENY_GUI_ACCESS: false ZBX_GUI_ACCESS_IP_RANGE: "" ZBX_GUI_WARNING_MSG: "My Zabbix instance is currently in maintenance" additionalContainers: # agent: # name: agent # image: "{{ .Values.agentImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.agentImage.tag }}" # env: # - name: ZBX_HOSTNAME # value: "{{ .Release.Name }}-{{ randAlphaNum 5 }}" # - name: ZBX_SERVER_HOST # value: "localhost" # - name: ZBX_SERVER_PORT # value: "{{ .Values.service.server.ports.server.targetPort }}" snmptraps: name: snmptraps image: "{{ .Values.snmptrapsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.snmptrapsImage.tag }}" volumeMounts: - name: snmptraps mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/snmptraps" front: name: front image: "{{ .Values.frontImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.frontImage.tag }}" ports: - containerPort: 8080 name: main livenessProbe: httpGet: path: "/" port: 8080 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: "/" port: 8080 startupProbe: httpGet: path: "/" port: 8080 env: - name: ZBX_SERVER_HOST value: "localhost" - name: ZBX_SERVER_PORT value: "{{ .Values.service.server.ports.server.targetPort }}" - name: POSTGRES_DB value: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase }}" - name: POSTGRES_USER value: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername }}" - name: DB_SERVER_PORT value: "{{ .Values.env.DB_SERVER_PORT }}" - name: PHP_TZ value: "{{ .Values.TZ }}" # History storage HTTP[S] URL. This parameter is used for Elasticsearch setup. # - name: ZBX_HISTORYSTORAGEURL # value: "ELASTICSEARCHURL" # Array of value types to be sent to the history storage. An example: ['uint', 'dbl']. This parameter is used for Elasticsearch setup. # - name: ZBX_HISTORYSTORAGETYPES # value: "['uint', 'dbl']" - name: DB_SERVER_HOST valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: plainhost - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: postgresql-password # User Defined - name: ZBX_SERVER_NAME value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_SERVER_NAME }}" - name: ZBX_MAXEXECUTIONTIME value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_MAXEXECUTIONTIME }}" - name: ZBX_MEMORYLIMIT value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_MEMORYLIMIT }}" - name: ZBX_POSTMAXSIZE value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_POSTMAXSIZE }}" - name: ZBX_UPLOADMAXFILESIZE value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_UPLOADMAXFILESIZE }}" - name: ZBX_MAXINPUTTIME value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_MAXINPUTTIME }}" - name: ZBX_DENY_GUI_ACCESS value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_DENY_GUI_ACCESS }}" - name: ZBX_GUI_ACCESS_IP_RANGE value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_GUI_ACCESS_IP_RANGE }}" - name: ZBX_GUI_WARNING_MSG value: "{{ .Values.frontendConfig.ZBX_GUI_WARNING_MSG }}" persistence: # Shared snmptraps: enabled: true mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/snmptraps" # Server # alertscripts: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts" # externalscripts: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts" # modules: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/modules" # enc: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/enc" # ssh_keys: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/ssh_keys" # sslcerts: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/ssl/certs" # sslkeys: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/ssl/keys" # sslca: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/ssl/ssl_ca" # mibs: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/mibs" # export: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/export" # SNMP-Traps # snmp-mibs: # enabled: true # mountPath: "/var/lib/zabbix/mibs" postgresql: enabled: true existingSecret: "dbcreds" postgresqlUsername: zabbix postgresqlDatabase: zabbix portal: enabled: true