--- title: Installation Notes --- ## TRAKT.TV Setup - Please create an [app](https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications/new) in trakt.tv. - Set the trakt app name to whatever you like for ex: `plaxt`. - Optionally set an icon, you can download this [icon](/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons/plaxt.webp). - Set the redirect uri to for ex (must end with `/authorize`): - `https://plaxt.mydomain.com/authorize`. - `https://my_public_ip:8000/authorize`. - Set the option `/scrobble` to `true`. - Copy both the Client ID and Secret as you will need both to setup the `plaxt` chart in the next section. ## Plaxt Setup - Set `TRAKT_ID` with your custom trakt.tv app's client id. - Set `TRAKT_SECRET` with your trakt.tv app's client secret. - After launching the chart it will ask you to add your plex username in `Step 1`. - Click the `authorize` button to authorize your custom app aka `plaxt` with trakt.tv. - If successful, you will be given a generated webhook to add to plex in `Step 2`. - Go to plex -> settings -> webhooks -> add the webhook. - Profit. Notes: - This chart depends on plex webhooks which is a `Plex Pass` feature. - The upstream project is no longer in development as Trakt has [official support](https://blog.trakt.tv/plex-scrobbler-52db9b016ead) for Plex Webhooks.