image: # -- image repository repository: # -- image tag tag: v1.2.22@sha256:693507bec023dacc214fcb5bdcfc7004fd116befc8aed63b1617315bf2de8f9c # -- image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 # -- environment variables. See [image docs]( # and [application docs](# for more details. # @default -- See below (only deviations from the default settings are specified) env: # -- Set the container timezone # -- Enable/disable email configuration from the user interface MAIL_CONFIGURATION: false # -- log driver: syslog, stderr, stdout or file LOG_DRIVER: stdout DB_DRIVER: "postgres" DB_NAME: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername }}" DB_PORT: "5432" DB_PASSWORD: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: postgresql-password DB_HOSTNAME: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: plainhost # -- Configures service settings for the chart. # @default -- See values.yaml service: main: ports: main: port: 10015 targetPort: 80 # -- Configure persistence settings for the chart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml persistence: data: enabled: true mountPath: "/var/www/app/data" ssl: enabled: true mountPath: "/etc/nginx/ssl" # -- Enable and configure postgresql database subchart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml postgresql: enabled: true existingSecret: "dbcreds" postgresqlUsername: kanboard postgresqlDatabase: kanboard