{{/* Define the secret */}} {{- define "docspell.secret" -}} {{- $serverSecretName := printf "%s-server-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $joexSecretName := printf "%s-joex-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $storeSecretName := printf "%s-store-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $server := .Values.rest_server -}} {{- $serverID := printf "server-%v" (randAlphaNum 10) -}} {{- $joex := .Values.joex -}} {{- $joexID := printf "joex-%v" (randAlphaNum 10) -}} {{- $server_secret := "" }} {{- with (lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $storeSecretName) }} {{- $server_secret = (index .data "server_secret") | b64dec }} {{- else }} {{/* Real content must be also b64 encoded */}} {{- $server_secret = (printf "b64:%v" (randAlphaNum 32 | b64enc)) | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- $new_invite_password := "" }} {{- with (lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $storeSecretName) }} {{- $new_invite_password = (index .data "new_invite_password") | b64dec }} {{- else }} {{- $new_invite_password = randAlphaNum 32 | b64enc }} {{- end }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $storeSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: server_secret: {{ $server_secret | b64enc }} new_invite_password: {{ $new_invite_password | b64enc }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $serverSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} stringData: server.conf: | docspell.server { app-name = {{ $server.app_name | quote }} app-id = {{ $serverID | quote }} base-url = {{ $server.base_url | default (printf "%v:%v" "http://localhost" .Values.service.main.ports.main.port) | quote }} internal-url = {{ printf "%v:%v" "http://localhost" .Values.service.main.ports.main.port | quote }} {{- $logging := $server.logging }} logging { format = {{ $logging.format | quote }} minimum-level = {{ $logging.minimum_level | quote }} levels = { "docspell" = {{ $logging.levels.docspell | quote }} "org.flywaydb" = {{ $logging.levels.flywaydb | quote }} "binny" = {{ $logging.levels.binny | quote }} "org.http4s" = {{ $logging.levels.http4s | quote }} } } bind { address = "" port = {{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port }} } {{- $server_opts := $server.server_opts }} server-options { enable-http-2 = {{ $server_opts.enable_http2 }} max-connections = {{ $server_opts.max_connections }} response-timeout = {{ $server_opts.response_timeout }} } max-item-page-size = {{ $server.max_item_page_size }} max-note-length = {{ $server.max_note_length }} show-classification-settings = {{ $server.show_classification_settings }} {{- $auth := $server.auth }} auth { server-secret = {{ $server_secret | quote }} session-valid = {{ $auth.session_valid | quote }} remember-me { enabled = {{ $auth.remember_me.enabled }} valid = {{ $auth.remember_me.valid | quote }} } } {{- $download_all := $server.download_all }} download-all { max-files = {{ $download_all.max_files }} max-size = {{ $download_all.max_size }} } {{- $openid := $server.openid }} openid = [ {{- range initial $openid }} { enabled = {{ .enabled }}, display = {{ .display | quote }} provider = { provider-id = {{ .provider.provider_id | quote }}, client-id = {{ .provider.client_id | quote }}, client-secret = {{ .provider.client_secret | quote }}, scope = {{ .provider.scope | quote }}, authorize-url = {{ .provider.authorize_url | quote }}, token-url = {{ .provider.token_url | quote }}, {{- with .provider.user_url }} user-url = {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{- with .provider.logout_url }} logout-url = {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} sign-key = {{ .provider.sign_key | quote }}, sig-algo = {{ .provider.sig_algo | quote }} }, collective-key = {{ .collective_key | quote }}, user-key = {{ .user_key | quote }} }, {{- end }} {{- with last $openid }} { enabled = {{ .enabled }}, display = {{ .display | quote }} provider = { provider-id = {{ .provider.provider_id | quote }}, client-id = {{ .provider.client_id | quote }}, client-secret = {{ .provider.client_secret | quote }}, scope = {{ .provider.scope | quote }}, authorize-url = {{ .provider.authorize_url | quote }}, token-url = {{ .provider.token_url | quote }}, {{- with .provider.user_url }} user-url = {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{- with .provider.logout_url }} logout-url = {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} sign-key = {{ .provider.sign_key | quote }}, sig-algo = {{ .provider.sig_algo | quote }} }, collective-key = {{ .collective_key | quote }}, user-key = {{ .user_key | quote }} } {{- end }} ] oidc-auto-redirect = {{ $server.oidc_auto_redirect }} {{- $integration_endpoint := $server.integration_endpoint }} integration-endpoint { enabled = {{ $integration_endpoint.enabled }} priority = {{ $integration_endpoint.priority | quote }} source-name = {{ $integration_endpoint.source_name | quote }} allowed-ips { enabled = {{ $integration_endpoint.allowed_ips.enabled }} ips = [ {{- range initial $integration_endpoint.allowed_ips.ips }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $integration_endpoint.allowed_ips.ips | quote }} ] } http-basic { enabled = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_basic_auth.enabled }} realm = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_basic_auth.realm | quote }} user = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_basic_auth.user | quote }} password = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_basic_auth.password | quote }} } http-header { enabled = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_header.enabled }} header-name = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_header.header_name | quote }} header-value = {{ $integration_endpoint.http_header.header_value | quote }} } } admin-endpoint { secret = {{ $server.admin_endpoint.secret | quote }} } {{- $full_text_search := $server.full_text_search }} full-text-search { enabled = true backend = "solr" solr = { url = {{ printf "http://%v-solr:8983/solr/%v" .Release.Name .Values.solr.solrCores | quote }} commit-within = {{ $full_text_search.solr.commit_within }} log-verbose = {{ $full_text_search.solr.log_verbose }} def-type = {{ $full_text_search.solr.def_type | quote }} q-op = {{ $full_text_search.solr.q_op | quote }} } postgresql = { use-default-connection = false jdbc { url = {{ printf "jdbc:postgresql://%v-%v:5432/%v" .Release.Name "postgresql" .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase | quote }} user = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername | quote }} password = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | trimAll "\"" | quote }} } pg-config = { } pg-query-parser = "websearch_to_tsquery" pg-rank-normalization = [ 4 ] } } {{- $backend := $server.backend }} backend { mail-debug = {{ $backend.mail_debug }} jdbc { url = {{ printf "jdbc:postgresql://%v-%v:5432/%v" .Release.Name "postgresql" .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase | quote }} user = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername | quote }} password = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | trimAll "\"" | quote }} } {{- $database_schema := $server.backend.database_schema }} database-schema = { run-main-migrations = {{ $database_schema.run_main_migrations }} run-fixup-migrations = {{ $database_schema.run_fixup_migrations }} repair-schema = {{ $database_schema.repair_schema }} } {{- $signup := $server.backend.signup }} signup { mode = {{ $signup.mode | quote }} new-invite-password = {{ $new_invite_password | quote }} invite-time = {{ $signup.invite_time | quote }} } {{- $files := $server.backend.files }} files { chunk-size = {{ $files.chunk_size }} valid-mime-types = [ {{- range initial $files.valid_mime_types }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $files.valid_mime_types | quote }} ] default-store = {{ $files.default_store | quote }} stores = { database = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.database.enabled }} type = "default-database" } filesystem = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.filesystem.enabled }} type = "file-system" directory = {{ $files.stores.filesystem.directory | quote }} } minio = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.minio.enabled }} type = "s3" endpoint = {{ $files.stores.minio.endpoint | quote }} access-key = {{ $files.stores.minio.access_key | quote }} secret-key = {{ $files.stores.minio.secret_key | quote }} bucket = {{ $files.stores.minio.bucket | quote }} } } } {{- $addons := $server.addons }} addons = { enabled = {{ $addons.enabled }} allow-impure = {{ $addons.allow_impure }} allowed-urls = [ {{- range initial $addons.allowed_urls }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $addons.allowed_urls | quote }} ] denied-urls = [ {{- range initial $addons.denied_urls }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $addons.denied_urls | quote }} ] } } } --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $joexSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} stringData: joex.conf: | docspell.joex { app-id = {{ $joexID | quote }} base-url = {{ printf "%v:%v" "http://localhost" .Values.service.joex.ports.joex.port | quote }} bind { address = "" port = {{ .Values.service.joex.ports.joex.port }} } {{- $logging := $joex.logging }} logging { format = {{ $logging.format | quote }} minimum-level = {{ $logging.minimum_level | quote }} levels = { "docspell" = {{ $logging.levels.docspell | quote }} "org.flywaydb" = {{ $logging.levels.flywaydb | quote }} "binny" = {{ $logging.levels.binny | quote }} "org.http4s" = {{ $logging.levels.http4s | quote }} } } jdbc { url = {{ printf "jdbc:postgresql://%v-%v:5432/%v" .Release.Name "postgresql" .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase | quote }} user = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername | quote }} password = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | trimAll "\"" | quote }} } {{- $database_schema := $joex.database_schema }} database-schema = { run-main-migrations = {{ $database_schema.run_main_migrations }} run-fixup-migrations = {{ $database_schema.run_fixup_migrations }} repair-schema = {{ $database_schema.repair_schema }} } mail-debug = {{ $joex.mail_debug }} send-mail { list-id = {{ $joex.send_mail.list_id | quote }} } {{- $scheduler := $joex.scheduler }} scheduler { name = {{ $joexID | quote }} pool-size = {{ $scheduler.pool_size }} counting-scheme = {{ $scheduler.counting_scheme | quote }} retries = {{ $scheduler.retries }} retry-delay = {{ $scheduler.retry_delay | quote }} log-buffer-size = {{ $scheduler.log_buffer_size }} wakeup-period = {{ $scheduler.wakeup_period | quote }} } {{- $periodic_scheduler := $joex.periodic_scheduler }} periodic-scheduler { name = {{ $joexID | quote }} wakeup-period = {{ $periodic_scheduler.wakeup_period | quote }} } {{- $user_tasks := $joex.user_tasks }} user-tasks { scan-mailbox { max-folders = {{ $user_tasks.scan_mailbox.max_folders }} mail-chunk-size = {{ $user_tasks.scan_mailbox.mail_chunk_size }} max-mails = {{ $user_tasks.scan_mailbox.max_mails }} } } {{- $house_keeping := $joex.house_keeping }} house-keeping { schedule = {{ $house_keeping.schedule | quote }} cleanup-invites = { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_invites.enabled }} older-than = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_invites.older_than | quote }} } cleanup-remember-me = { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_remember_me.enabled }} older-than = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_remember_me.older_than | quote }} } cleanup-jobs = { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_jobs.enabled }} older-than = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_jobs.older_than | quote }} delete-batch = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_jobs.delete_batch | quote }} } cleanup-downloads = { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_downloads.enabled }} older-than = {{ $house_keeping.cleanup_downloads.older_than | quote }} } check-nodes { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.check_nodes.enabled }} min-not-found = {{ $house_keeping.check_nodes.min_not_found }} } integrity-check { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.integrity_check.enabled }} } } update-check { enabled = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.enabled }} test-run = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.test_run }} schedule = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.schedule | quote }} sender-account = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.sender_account | quote }} smtp-id = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.smtp_id | quote }} recipients = [ {{- range initial $house_keeping.update_check.recipients }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $house_keeping.update_check.recipients | quote }} ] subject = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.subject | quote }} body = {{ $house_keeping.update_check.body | quote }} } {{- $extraction := $joex.extraction }} extraction { pdf { min-text-len = {{ $extraction.pdf.min_text_length }} } preview { dpi = {{ $extraction.preview.dpi }} } ocr { max-image-size = {{ $extraction.ocr.max_image_size }} page-range { begin = {{ $extraction.ocr.page_range.begin }} } ghostscript { command { program = {{ $extraction.ghostscript.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $extraction.ghostscript.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $extraction.ghostscript.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $extraction.ghostscript.command.timeout | quote }} } working-dir = {{ $extraction.ghostscript.working_dir | quote }} } unpaper { command { program = {{ $extraction.unpaper.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $extraction.unpaper.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $extraction.unpaper.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $extraction.unpaper.command.timeout | quote }} } } tesseract { command { program = {{ $extraction.tesseract.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $extraction.tesseract.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $extraction.tesseract.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $extraction.tesseract.command.timeout | quote }} } } } } {{- $text_analysis := $joex.text_analysis }} text-analysis { max-length = {{ $text_analysis.max_length }} working-dir = {{ $text_analysis.working_dir | quote }} nlp { mode = {{ $text_analysis.nlp.mode }} clear-interval = {{ $text_analysis.nlp.clear_interval | quote }} max-due-date-years = {{ $text_analysis.nlp.max_due_date_years }} regex-ner { max-entries = {{ $text_analysis.nlp.regex_ner.max_entries }} file-cache-time = {{ $text_analysis.nlp.regex_ner.file_cache_time }} } } {{- $classification := $joex.classification }} classification { enabled = {{ $classification.enabled }} item-count = {{ $classification.item_count }} classifiers = [ { "useSplitWords" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.useSplitWords }}" "splitWordsTokenizerRegexp" = {{ $classification.classifiers.splitWordsTokenizerRegexp }} "splitWordsIgnoreRegexp" = {{ $classification.classifiers.splitWordsIgnoreRegexp }} "useSplitPrefixSuffixNGrams" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.useSplitPrefixSuffixNGrams }}" "maxNGramLeng" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.maxNGramLeng }}" "minNGramLeng" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.minNGramLeng }}" "splitWordShape" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.intern }}" "intern" = "{{ $classification.classifiers.intern }}" } ] } } {{- $convert := $joex.convert }} convert { chunk-size = {{ $convert.chunk_size }} converted-filename-part = {{ $convert.converted_filename_part }} max-image-size = {{ $convert.max_image_size }} markdown { internal-css = """ {{ $convert.markdown.internal_css | quote }} """ } wkhtmlpdf { command = { program = {{ $convert.wkhtmlpdf.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $convert.wkhtmlpdf.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $convert.wkhtmlpdf.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $convert.wkhtmlpdf.command.timeout | quote }} } working-dir = {{ $convert.wkhtmlpdf.working_dir | quote }} } tesseract = { command = { program = {{ $convert.tesseract.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $convert.tesseract.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $convert.tesseract.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $convert.tesseract.command.timeout | quote }} } working-dir = {{ $convert.tesseract.working_dir | quote }} } unoconv = { command = { program = {{ $convert.unoconv.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $convert.unoconv.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $convert.unoconv.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $convert.tesseract.command.timeout | quote }} } working-dir = {{ $convert.unoconv.working_dir | quote }} } ocrmypdf = { enabled = {{ $convert.ocrmypdf.enabled }} command = { program = {{ $convert.ocrmypdf.command.program | quote }} args = [ {{- range initial $convert.ocrmypdf.command.args }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $convert.ocrmypdf.command.args | quote }} ] timeout = {{ $convert.ocrmypdf.command.timeout | quote }} } working-dir = {{ $convert.ocrmypdf.working_dir | quote }} } decrypt-pdf = { enabled = {{ $convert.decrypt_pdf.enabled }} passwords = [ {{- range initial $convert.decrypt_pdf.passwords }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $convert.decrypt_pdf.passwords | quote }} ] } } {{ $files := $joex.files }} files { chunk-size = {{ $files.chunk_size }} valid-mime-types = [ {{- range initial $files.valid_mime_types }} {{ . | quote }}, {{- end }} {{ last $files.valid_mime_types | quote }} ] default-store = {{ $files.default_store | quote }} stores = { database = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.database.enabled }} type = "default-database" } filesystem = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.filesystem.enabled }} type = "file-system" directory = {{ $files.stores.filesystem.directory | quote }} } minio = { enabled = {{ $files.stores.minio.enabled }} type = "s3" endpoint = {{ $files.stores.minio.endpoint | quote }} access-key = {{ $files.stores.minio.access_key | quote }} secret-key = {{ $files.stores.minio.secret_key | quote }} bucket = {{ $files.stores.minio.bucket | quote }} } } } {{- $full_text_search := $joex.full_text_search }} full-text-search { enabled = true backend = "solr" solr = { url = {{ printf "http://%v-solr:8983/solr/%v" .Release.Name .Values.solr.solrCores | quote }} commit-within = {{ $full_text_search.solr.commit_within }} log-verbose = {{ $full_text_search.solr.log_verbose }} def-type = {{ $full_text_search.solr.def_type | quote }} q-op = {{ $full_text_search.solr.q_op | quote }} } postgresql = { use-default-connection = false jdbc { url = {{ printf "jdbc:postgresql://%v-%v:5432/%v" .Release.Name "postgresql" .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase | quote }} user = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername | quote }} password = {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | trimAll "\"" | quote }} } pg-config = { } pg-query-parser = "websearch_to_tsquery" pg-rank-normalization = [ 4 ] } migration = { index-all-chunk = {{ $full_text_search.migration.index_all_chunk }} } } {{- $addons := $joex.addons }} addons { working-dir = {{ $addons.working_dir }} cache-dir = {{ $addons.cache_dir }} executor-config { runner = {{ $addons.executor_config.runner }} nspawn = { enabled = false sudo-binary = "sudo" nspawn-binary = "systemd-nspawn" container-wait = "100 millis" } fail-fast = {{ $addons.executor_config.fail_fast }} run-timeout = {{ $addons.executor_config.run_timeout | quote }} nix-runner { nix-binary = "nix" build-timeout = "15 minutes" } docker-runner { docker-binary = "docker" build-timeout = "15 minutes" } } } } {{- end -}}