{{/* Define the secret */}} {{- define "hastyPaste.secret" -}} {{- $secretName := printf "%s-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $secretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} stringData: {{- $redis := .Values.redis -}} {{- $redisPass := $redis.redisPassword | trimAll "\"" -}} {{- $redisUser := $redis.redisUsername }} {{- $redisURL := $redis.url.plain | trimAll "\"" }} CACHE__REDIS_URI: {{ printf "redis://%v:%v@%v/0" $redisUser $redisPass $redisURL | quote }} CACHE__ENABLE: "true" PORT: {{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port | quote }} TIME_ZONE: {{ .Values.TZ }} PASTE_ROOT: {{ .Values.persistence.config.mountPath | quote }} {{/* User defined */}} {{- $hasty := .Values.hastyPaste }} NEW_AT_INDEX: {{ $hasty.new_at_index | quote }} ENABLE_PUBLIC_LIST: {{ $hasty.enable_public_list | quote }} MAX_BODY_SIZE: {{ (int $hasty.max_body_size) | quote }} LOG_LEVEL: {{ $hasty.log_level }} WORKERS: {{ $hasty.workers | quote }} {{- $interface := $hasty.interface }} UI_DEFAULT__USE_LONG_ID: {{ $interface.default_use_long_id | quote }} UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__ENABLE: {{ $interface.default_expire_time_enable | quote }} UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__MINUTES: {{ $interface.default_expire_time_minutes | quote }} UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__HOURS: {{ $interface.default_expire_time_hours | quote }} UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__DAYS: {{ $interface.default_expire_time_days | quote }} {{- $branding := $hasty.branding }} {{- with $branding.title }} BRANDING__TITLE: {{ . | quote }} {{- end -}} {{- with $branding.description }} BRANDING__DESCRIPTION: {{ . | quote }} {{- end -}} {{- with $branding.icon }} BRANDING__ICON: {{ . | quote }} {{- end -}} {{- with $branding.favicon }} BRANDING__FAVICON: {{ . | quote }} {{- end -}} {{- with $branding.css_file }} BRANDING__CSS_FILE: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} BRANDING__HIDE_VERSION: {{ $branding.hide_version | quote }} {{- end }}