# How-To This is a quick how-to or setup-guide to use Tailscale using on your TrueNAS box. This can be applied to other systems but this specific guide is SCALE specific with the prerequisites. ## Requirements - Tailscale Account (Free accounts available at [Tailscale's Official website](https://www.tailscale.com)) - Tailscale Truecharts Chart ## Prerequisites (LAN access only) For proper access to your local network (LAN), this chart requires two `sysctl` values set on your TrueNAS or system. For TrueNAS SCALE the way to change these values are inside `System Settings` then `Advanced`. On that screen you add the following two values: - `net.ipv4.ip_forward` - `net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark` Set them to `1` and `Enabled` ![sysctl](img/Sysctl.png) Also prepare your Tailscale Auth Key for your setup, easy to generate on the page below ![tailscale-auth-key](img/How-To-Image-1.png) ## Tailscale Chart Setup ### Application name Ideally use `tailscale` but you can use any name here. ### Controller Leave defaults here. ### Container Configuration - `Auth Key`: The key you received from tailscale in prerequisites above - `Userspace`: Now enabled by default, as it is _required_ when using local routes and as an exit node (see below). However may need to be _unchecked_ if you need give Tailscale full access to all the features inside scale (not just GUI/SMB, but Rsync, ping other Tailscale IPs, etc). More info in the [Tailscale Userspace Guide](https://tailscale.com/kb/1112/userspace-networking/). - `Accept DNS`: Enabling it will pass your Global Nameservers from Tailscale to your local install. - `Routes`: Change to the routes you wish Tailscale to have access to on the devices it's connected, such as my LAN in the example. - `Extra Args` passes arguments/flags to the `tailscale up` command. - `Hostname` You can specify a specific hostname for use inside Tailscale (see image below). (Passes `--hostname HOSTNAME` to `Extra args`) - `Advertise as exit node` This is used to pass traffic through tailscale like a private VPN. (Passes `--advertise-exit-node` to `Extra args`) For more Extra Args and their usage please check the [Tailscale Knowledge Base](https://tailscale.com/kb/1080/cli/#up) since we consider these advanced features and these may/not be compatible with everyone's exact setup. TODO: Update image with the new fields ![tailscale-step-3](img/How-To-Image-2.png) **Hostname example** ![hostname-example](img/Hostname.png) ### Networking and Services The default ports are fine for this chart, you shouldn't need to port forward or open ports on your router. :::caution In case you want to access their SMB shares or TrueNAS GUI via Tailscale. You will have to ensure that `Host Networking` is enabled and `Userspace` is disabled. ::: ![tailscale-step-4](img/How-To-Image-3.png) ### Storage and Persistence Highly recommended to leave it as `PVC (Simple)` ### Ingress Shouldn't need to enable this. ### Security and Permissions Should be left as is, unless you know what you are doing! ### Resources and Devices You can set custom resources for CPU/RAM, but defaults should be work fine in most cases Defaults are 4 vCores and 8G RAM. ### Addons Shouldn't need to enable any. ## Support - You can also reach us using [Discord](https://discord.gg/tVsPTHWTtr) for real-time feedback and support - If you found a bug in our chart, open a Github [issue](https://github.com/truecharts/apps/issues/new/choose) --- All Rights Reserved - The TrueCharts Project