image: # -- image repository repository: joplin/server # -- image tag tag: 2.5.1@sha256:5bd976f19f883352bacad74767237471941cb35b2ded96a1afeeb7168b1e08d8 # -- image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 # -- environment variables. See [image docs]( for more details. # @default -- See below env: # -- Set the container timezone TZ: UTC # -- joplin-server base URL APP_BASE_URL: https://joplin.domain # -- joplin-server listening port (same as Service port) APP_PORT: 22300 envTpl: DB_CLIENT: "pg" POSTGRES_DATABASE: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase }}" POSTGRES_USER: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlUsername }}" POSTGRES_PORT: "5432" envValueFrom: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: postgresql-password POSTGRES_HOST: secretKeyRef: name: dbcreds key: plainhost # -- Configures service settings for the chart. # @default -- See values.yaml service: main: ports: main: port: 22300 # -- Enable and configure postgresql database subchart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml postgresql: enabled: true existingSecret: "dbcreds" postgresqlUsername: joplin postgresqlDatabase: joplin