# Include{groups} questions: # Include{global} # Include{credentials} # Include{workload} # Include{workloadDeployment} # Include{replicas1} # Include{podSpec} # Include{containerMain} # Include{containerBasic} # Include{containerAdvanced} # Include{containerConfig} # Include{podOptions} - variable: metricsEndpoint group: "App Configuration" label: "Metrics Endpoint" schema: type: string default: "/metrics" required: true - variable: logs label: "Logs" group: "App Configuration" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: general label: "General Logs" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: level label: "Log Level" schema: type: string default: "info" enum: - value: "info" description: "Info" - value: "warn" description: "Warnings" - value: "error" description: "Errors" - value: "debug" description: "Debug" - variable: format label: "General Log format" schema: type: string default: "logfmt" enum: - value: "logfmt" description: "Common Log Format" - value: "json" description: "JSON" # Include{serviceRoot} - variable: main label: "Main Service" description: "The Primary service on which the healthcheck runs, often the webUI" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{serviceSelectorLoadBalancer} # Include{serviceSelectorExtras} - variable: main label: "Main Service Port Configuration" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: port label: "Port" description: "This port exposes the container port on the service" schema: type: int default: 9835 required: true # Include{externalInterfaces} # Include{serviceList} # Include{ingressRoot} - variable: main label: "Main Ingress" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{ingressDefault} # Include{ingressAdvanced} # Include{ingressList} # Include{resources} # Include{metrics} # Include{prometheusRule} # Include{advanced} # Include{addons} # Include{codeserver} # Include{netshoot} # Include{vpn} # Include{documentation}