#!/bin/bash [ "$DEBUG" == 'true' ] && set -x [ "$STRICT" == 'true' ] && set -e docs_base="website/src/content/docs/charts" tmp_docs_base="tmpwebsite/src/content/docs/charts" safe_docs=( "CHANGELOG.md" ) keep_docs_safe() { local train="$1" local chart="$2" mkdir -p "$tmp_docs_base/${train}/${chart}" echo "Keeping some docs safe..." for doc in "${safe_docs[@]}"; do if [ ! -f "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" ]; then echo "Doc [$doc] does not exist, cannot keep it safe. Skipping." continue fi mv "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" "$tmp_docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" done } restore_safe_docs() { local train="$1" local chart="$2" echo "Restoring safe docs..." for doc in "${safe_docs[@]}"; do if [ ! -f "$tmp_docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" ]; then echo "Doc [$doc] does not exist, cannot restore it. Skipping." continue fi mv "$tmp_docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/${doc}" done } remove_old_docs() { local train="$1" local chart="$2" echo "Removing old docs and recreating based on website repo..." rm -rf $docs_base/*/${chart} || : mkdir -p $docs_base/${train}/${chart} || echo "chart path already exists, continuing..." } copy_new_docs() { local $train="$1" local chart="$2" echo "copying new docs to website for ${chart}" cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/docs/* website/src/content/docs/charts/${train}/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/icon.webp website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons/${chart}.webp 2>/dev/null || : cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/icon-small.webp website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-icons-small/${chart}.webp 2>/dev/null || : cp -rf charts/${train}/${chart}/screenshots/* website/public/img/hotlink-ok/chart-screenshots/${chart}/ 2>/dev/null || : } check_and_fix_title() { local file="$1" echo "Checking title..." ok_title="false" echo "Getting the first line" if grep -q "^---$" "${file}"; then ok_title="true" elif grep -q "^# " "${file}"; then echo "Found old-style title, fixing..." title=$(grep "^# " "${file}" | cut -d " " -f 2-) # Remove title sed -i "s/^# ${title}//" "${file}" content=$(cat "${file}") echo -e "---\ntitle: ${title}\n---\n${content}" >"${file}" ok_title="true" else ok_title="false" fi if [ ${ok_title} == "false" ]; then echo "Doc title should use front matter and not # for title, for example" echo "---" echo "title: some title" echo "---" return 1 fi echo "Title is ok" return 0 } process_index() { local train="$1" local chart="$2" local index_path="$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/index.md" local chart_yaml_path="charts/${train}/${chart}/Chart.yaml" echo "Creating index.md..." touch $docs_base/${train}/${chart}/index.md echo "Adding front matter to index.md..." echo "---" >>${index_path} go-yq -i --front-matter=process '.title="'${chart}'"' ${index_path} echo -e "---\n" >>${index_path} echo "Getting data from Chart.yaml..." version=$(go-yq '.version' ${chart_yaml_path}) appversion=$(go-yq '.appVersion' ${chart_yaml_path}) description=$(go-yq -r '.description' ${chart_yaml_path}) sources=$(go-yq -r '.sources' ${chart_yaml_path}) echo "Adding the data to the index.md file..." echo '![Version: '"${version}"'](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-'"${version}"'-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: '"${appversion}"'](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-'"${appversion}"'-informational?style=flat-square)' >>${index_path} echo "" >>${index_path} echo -e "$description\n" >>${index_path} echo -e "## Chart Sources\n" >>${index_path} echo -e "$sources\n" >>${index_path} echo -e "## Available Documentation\n" >>${index_path} echo "Iterating over all files in the docs directory..." for f in $docs_base/${train}/${chart}/*.md*; do echo "Checking file: ${f}" filename=$(basename "${f}") # If title is not ok, skip if ! check_and_fix_title "${f}"; then echo "Title is not ok, skipping..." continue fi # If file is index.md, skip if [ "${filename}" == "index.md" ]; then echo "File is index.md, not adding it to the links" continue fi title=$(go-yq --front-matter=process '.title' ${f} | head -n 1) echo "The title is: ${title}" echo "Generating markdown links" filename="${filename##*/}" filenameURL=${filename%.*} filenameURL=${filenameURL,,} link="[**${title}**](./${filenameURL})" echo "The link is: ${link}" echo "- ${link}" >>${index_path} done echo "" >>${index_path} echo "" >>${index_path} echo "---" >>${index_path} echo "" >>${index_path} echo -e "## Readme\n" >>$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/index.md tail -n +4 "charts/${train}/${chart}/README.md" >>$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/readmetmp.md sed -i 's/##/###/' "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/readmetmp.md" cat "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/readmetmp.md" >>"$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/index.md" rm "$docs_base/${train}/${chart}/readmetmp.md" || echo "couldnt delete readmetmp.md" } main() { local chart_path="$1" IFS='/' read -r -a chart_parts <<<"$chart_path" train=${chart_parts[0]} chart=${chart_parts[1]} if [ ! -f "charts/${train}"/"${chart}/Chart.yaml" ]; then echo "chart path does not exist, skipping..." continue fi echo "copying docs to website for ${chart}" keep_docs_safe "$train" "$chart" remove_old_docs "$train" "$chart" copy_new_docs "$train" "$chart" process_index "$train" "$chart" restore_safe_docs "$train" "$chart" echo "Finished processing ${chart}" } main "$1"