# Include{groups} questions: # Include{global} # Include{workload} # Include{workloadDeployment} # Include{replicas1} # Include{podSpec} # Include{containerMain} # Include{containerBasic} # Include{containerAdvanced} - variable: env group: "App Configuration" label: "Image Environment" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: IDRAC_HOST label: iDrac Host description: iDRAC's IP address. Default value is "local". schema: type: string default: "" - variable: IDRAC_USERNAME label: iDrac Host Name description: iDrac Username. Default value is "root". schema: type: string default: "" - variable: IDRAC_PASSWORD label: iDrac Password description: iDrac Password. Default password is "calvin". schema: type: string private: true default: "" - variable: FAN_SPEED label: Fan Speed description: Fan speed parameter can be set as a decimal (from 0 to 100%). Default value is 5(%). schema: type: int min: 0 max: 100 default: 5 - variable: CPU_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD label: CPU Temperature Thershold description: parameter is the T°junction (junction temperature) threshold beyond which the Dell fan mode defined in your BIOS will become active again (to protect the server hardware against overheat). Default value is 50(°C). schema: type: int default: 50 - variable: CHECK_INTERVAL label: Check Interval description: parameter is the time (in seconds) between each temperature check and potential profile change. Default value is 60(s). schema: type: int default: 60 - variable: DISABLE_THIRD_PARTY_PCIE_CARD_DELL_DEFAULT_COOLING_RESPONSE label: Disable 3rd Party PCIE Card Dell Default Cooling Response description: Boolean that allows to disable third-party PCIe card Dell default cooling response. Default value is false. schema: type: boolean default: false # Include{containerConfig} # Include{podOptions} # Include{serviceExpertRoot} # Include{serviceExpert} # Include{serviceList} # Include{persistenceList} # Include{securityContextRoot} - variable: runAsUser label: "runAsUser" description: "The UserID of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 568 - variable: runAsGroup label: "runAsGroup" description: "The groupID this App of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 568 # Include{securityContextContainer} # Include{securityContextAdvanced} # Include{securityContextPod} - variable: fsGroup label: "fsGroup" description: "The group that should own ALL storage." schema: type: int default: 568 # Include{resources} # Include{advanced} # Include{addons} # Include{codeserver} # Include{netshoot} # Include{vpn} # Include{documentation}