image: repository: dchesterton/amcrest2mqtt tag: 1.0.16@sha256:5a503bcf7b39bd846ca60be1846ce8b73eae979fd074f2a31e14462f85447260 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: main: enabled: false ports: main: enabled: false workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false env: # -- Host name used to connect to the Amcrest device AMCREST_HOST: "localhost" # -- Port used to connect to the Amcrest device AMCREST_PORT: 80 # -- Host name used to connect to the MQTT broker MQTT_HOST: "localhost" # -- Port used to connect to the MQTT broker MQTT_PORT: 1883 # -- Enable Home Assistant autodiscovery HOME_ASSISTANT: "false" # -- Home Assistant autodiscovery prefix HOME_ASSISTANT_PREFIX: "homeassistant" # -- User name used to connect to the Amcrest device AMCREST_USERNAME: "admin" # -- Password used to connect to the Amcrest device AMCREST_PASSWORD: "changeme" # -- User name used to connect to the MQTT broker MQTT_USERNAME: "mqttuser" # -- Password used to connect to the MQTT broker MQTT_PASSWORD: "changeme" portal: open: enabled: false