image: repository: bitnami/solr pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 9.6.1@sha256:c20c6ad7c7c07dcc6c932fc9183d2e118ff281ae99c9b024d8f9812b6205e8b0 includeCommon: true workload: main: replicas: 1 podSpec: containers: main: env: SOLR_CORES: "{{ .Values.solrCores }}" SOLR_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION: "{{ .Values.solrEnableAuthentication }}" SOLR_ADMIN_USERNAME: "{{ .Values.solrUsername }}" SOLR_OPTS: "{{ .Values.solrOpts }}" SOLR_ADMIN_PASSWORD: "{{ .Values.password }}" # -- Probe configuration # -- [[ref]]( # @default -- See below probes: # -- Liveness probe configuration # @default -- See below liveness: # -- Enable the liveness probe enabled: true # -- Set this to `true` if you wish to specify your own livenessProbe custom: true # -- The spec field contains the values for the default livenessProbe. # If you selected `custom: true`, this field holds the definition of the livenessProbe. # @default -- See below spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | if [ "$SOLR_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION" == "yes" ]; then until curl --fail --user "${SOLR_ADMIN_USERNAME}":"${SOLR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done else until curl --fail localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done fi; # -- Redainess probe configuration # @default -- See below readiness: # -- Enable the readiness probe enabled: true # -- Set this to `true` if you wish to specify your own readinessProbe custom: true # -- The spec field contains the values for the default readinessProbe. # If you selected `custom: true`, this field holds the definition of the readinessProbe. # @default -- See below spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | if [ "$SOLR_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION" == "yes" ]; then until curl --fail --user "${SOLR_ADMIN_USERNAME}":"${SOLR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done else until curl --fail localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done fi; # -- Startup probe configuration # @default -- See below startup: # -- Enable the startup probe enabled: true custom: true # -- The spec field contains the values for the default livenessProbe. # If you selected `custom: true`, this field holds the definition of the livenessProbe. # @default -- See below spec: exec: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | if [ "$SOLR_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION" == "yes" ]; then until curl --fail --user "${SOLR_ADMIN_USERNAME}":"${SOLR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done else until curl --fail localhost:8983/solr/"${SOLR_CORES}"/admin/ping; do sleep 2; done fi; securityContext: container: runAsNonRoot: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 0 service: main: ports: main: port: 8983 targetPort: 8983 persistence: db: enabled: true mountPath: "/bitnami/solr" # Currently only single core is supported, with multiple cores, probes will fail. solrCores: "testcore" solrEnableAuthentication: "yes" solrUsername: "test" # Used to pass a comma separated list of optional options like '-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8m' solrOpts: "" password: "PLACEHOLDERPASSWORD" portal: open: enabled: true