# - variable: autoscaling # group: Advanced # label: (Advanced) Horizontal Pod Autoscaler # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: enabled # label: Enabled # schema: # type: boolean # default: false # show_subquestions_if: true # subquestions: # - variable: target # label: Target # description: Deployment name, Defaults to Main Deployment # schema: # type: string # default: "" # - variable: minReplicas # label: Minimum Replicas # schema: # type: int # default: 1 # - variable: maxReplicas # label: Maximum Replicas # schema: # type: int # default: 5 # - variable: targetCPUUtilizationPercentage # label: Target CPU Utilization Percentage # schema: # type: int # default: 80 # - variable: targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage # label: Target Memory Utilization Percentage # schema: # type: int # default: 80 # - variable: networkPolicy # group: Advanced # label: (Advanced) Network Policy # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: enabled # label: Enabled # schema: # type: boolean # default: false # show_subquestions_if: true # subquestions: # - variable: policyType # label: Policy Type # schema: # type: string # default: "" # enum: # - value: "" # description: Default # - value: ingress # description: Ingress # - value: egress # description: Egress # - value: ingress-egress # description: Ingress and Egress # - variable: egress # label: Egress # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: egressEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: to # label: To # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: toEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: ipBlock # label: IP Block # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: cidr # label: CIDR # schema: # type: string # default: "" # - variable: except # label: Except # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: exceptint # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: namespaceSelector # label: Namespace Selector # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: matchExpressions # label: Match Expressions # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: expressionEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: key # label: Key # schema: # type: string # - variable: operator # label: Operator # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: In # description: In # - value: NotIn # description: NotIn # - value: Exists # description: Exists # - value: DoesNotExist # description: DoesNotExist # - variable: values # label: Values # schema # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: value # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: podSelector # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: matchExpressions # label: Match Expressions # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: expressionEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: key # label: Key # schema: # type: string # - variable: operator # label: Operator # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: In # description: In # - value: NotIn # description: NotIn # - value: Exists # description: Exists # - value: DoesNotExist # description: DoesNotExist # - variable: values # label: Values # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: value # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: ports # label: Ports # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: portsEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: port # label: Port # schema: # type: int # - variable: endPort # label: End Port # schema: # type: int # - variable: protocol # label: Protocol # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: TCP # description: TCP # - value: UDP # description: UDP # - value: SCTP # description: SCTP # - variable: ingress # label: Ingress # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: ingressEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: from # label: From # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: fromEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: ipBlock # label: IP Block # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: cidr # label: CIDR # schema: # type: string # default: "" # - variable: except # label: Except # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: exceptint # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: namespaceSelector # label: Namespace Selector # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: matchExpressions # label: Match Expressions # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: expressionEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: key # label: Key # schema: # type: string # - variable: operator # label: Operator # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: In # description: In # - value: NotIn # description: NotIn # - value: Exists # description: Exists # - value: DoesNotExist # description: DoesNotExist # - variable: values # label: Values # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: value # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: podSelector # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: matchExpressions # label: Match Expressions # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: expressionEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: key # label: Key # schema: # type: string # - variable: operator # label: Operator # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: In # description: In # - value: NotIn # description: NotIn # - value: Exists # description: Exists # - value: DoesNotExist # description: DoesNotExist # - variable: values # label: Values # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: value # label: "" # schema: # type: string # - variable: ports # label: Ports # schema: # type: list # default: [] # items: # - variable: portsEntry # label: "" # schema: # additional_attrs: true # type: dict # attrs: # - variable: port # label: Port # schema: # type: int # - variable: endPort # label: End Port # schema: # type: int # - variable: protocol # label: Protocol # schema: # type: string # default: TCP # enum: # - value: TCP # description: TCP # - value: UDP # description: UDP # - value: SCTP # description: SCTP