- variable: type label: Type of Storage description: Sets the persistence type, Anything other than PVC could break rollback! schema: type: string default: simplePVC enum: - value: simplePVC description: PVC (simple) - value: simpleHP description: Host Path (simple) - value: emptyDir description: emptyDir - value: pvc description: PVC - value: hostPath description: Host Path - value: nfs description: NFS Share - variable: server label: NFS Server schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "nfs"]] type: string default: "" - variable: path label: Path on NFS Server schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "nfs"]] type: string default: "" - variable: setPermissionsSimple label: Automatic Permissions description: Automatically set permissions on install schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "simpleHP"]] type: boolean default: false - variable: setPermissions label: Automatic Permissions description: Automatically set permissions on install schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "hostPath"]] type: boolean default: false - variable: readOnly label: Read Only schema: type: boolean default: false - variable: hostPathSimple label: Host Path description: Path inside the container the storage is mounted schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "simpleHP"]] type: hostpath - variable: hostPath label: Host Path description: Path inside the container the storage is mounted schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "hostPath"]] type: hostpath - variable: medium label: EmptyDir Medium schema: show_if: [["type", "=", "emptyDir"]] type: string default: "" enum: - value: "" description: Default - value: Memory description: Memory