#!/bin/bash # require go-yq command -v go-yq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf >&2 "%s\n" "❌ go-yq (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) is not installed. Aborting." exit 1 } # define defaults cache_path=${cache_path:-./tgz_cache} charts_path=${charts_path:-./charts} # Do NOT persist this directory, in order to always have the latest index for this run. index_cache=${index_cache:-./index_cache} mkdir -p "$cache_path" trains=( "enterprise" "stable" "incubator" "dependency" ) download_deps() { local train_chart="$1" # Extract dependencies for the Chart deps=$(go-yq '.dependencies' "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml") # Find how many deps exist, so we can loop through them length=$(echo "$deps" | go-yq '. | length') echo "🤖🔨 Processing <$charts_path/$train_chart>... Dependencies: $length" echo "" for idx in $(eval echo "{0..$length}"); do # Retrieve info for the dep in the current index.. curr_dep=$(echo "$deps" | pos="$idx" go-yq '.[env(pos)]') if [ ! "$curr_dep" == null ]; then name=$(echo "$curr_dep" | go-yq '.name') version=$(echo "$curr_dep" | go-yq '.version') repo=$(echo "$curr_dep" | go-yq '.repository') # Remove http:// or https:// from url to create a dir name repo_dir="${repo#http://}" repo_dir="${repo#https://}" echo "**********" echo "🔗 Dependency: $name" echo "🆚 Version: $version" echo "🏠 Repository: $repo" echo "" if [ -f "$cache_path/$repo_dir/$name-$version.tgz" ]; then echo "✅ Dependency exists in cache..." else echo "🤷‍♂️ Dependency does not exists in cache..." repo_url="$repo/index.yaml" if [ -f "$index_cache/$repo_dir/index.yaml" ]; then echo "✅ Index for <$repo> exists!" else echo "⏬ Index for <$repo> is missing. Downloading from <$repo_url>..." mkdir -p $index_cache/$repo_dir wget --quiet "$repo_url" -O "$index_cache/$repo_dir/index.yaml" if [ ! $? ]; then echo "❌ wget encountered an error..." exit 1 fi if [ -f "$index_cache/$repo_dir/index.yaml" ]; then echo "✅ Downloaded index for <$repo>!" else echo "❌ Failed to download index for <$repo> from <$repo_url>" exit 1 fi fi # At the time of writing this, only 1 url existed (.urls[0]) pointing to the actual tgz. # Extract url from repo_url. It's under .entries.DEP_NAME.urls. We filter the specific version first (.version) dep_url=$(v="$version" n="$name" go-yq '.entries.[env(n)].[] | select (.version == env(v)) | .urls.[0]' "$index_cache/$repo_dir/index.yaml") echo "" echo "⏬ Downloading dependency $name-$version from $dep_url..." mkdir -p "$cache_path/$repo_dir" wget --quiet "$dep_url" -P "$cache_path/$repo_dir" if [ ! $? ]; then echo "❌ wget encountered an error..." helm dependency build "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || helm dependency update "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || exit 1 fi if [ -f "$cache_path/$repo_dir/$name-$version.tgz" ]; then echo "✅ Dependency Downloaded!" else echo "❌ Failed to download dependency" # Try helm dependency build/update or otherwise fail fast if a dep fails to download... helm dependency build "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || helm dependency update "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || exit 1 fi fi echo "" mkdir -p "$charts_path/$train_chart/charts" echo "📝 Copying dependency <$name-$version.tgz> to <$charts_path/$train_chart/charts>..." cp "$cache_path/$repo_dir/$name-$version.tgz" "$charts_path/$train_chart/charts" if [ -f "$charts_path/$train_chart/charts/$name-$version.tgz" ]; then echo "✅ Dependency copied!" echo "" else echo "❌ Failed to copy dependency" # Try helm dependency build/update or otherwise fail fast if a dep fails to copy... helm dependency build "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || helm dependency update "$charts_path/$train_chart/Chart.yaml" || exit 1 fi fi done } export -f download_deps if [ -z "$1" ]; then for train in "${trains[@]}"; do for chart in $(ls "$charts_path/$train"); do download_deps "${train}/${chart}" done done else download_deps "$1" fi