#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Check if release notes have been changed # Usage ./check-releasenotes.sh path # require yq command -v yq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf >&2 "%s\n" "yq (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) is not installed. Aborting." exit 1 } # Allow for a specific chart to be passed in as a argument if [ $# -ge 1 ] && [ -n "$1" ]; then root="$1" chart_file="${1}/Chart.yaml" if [ ! -f "$chart_file" ]; then printf >&2 "File %s does not exist.\n" "${chart_file}" exit 1 fi cd "${root}" if [ -z "$DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]; then DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | awk '/HEAD branch/ {print $NF}') fi printf "Updating changelog annotation for chart %s\n" "$root" # Loop over all dependencies in current chart version NEW_DEPENDENCIES=() while IFS='' read -r line; do NEW_DEPENDENCIES+=("$line"); done < <(yq e '.dependencies[].name' -P Chart.yaml | LC_ALL=C sort) OLD_DEPENDENCIES=$(git show "origin/$DEFAULT_BRANCH:./Chart.yaml" | yq e '.dependencies[].name' -P - | LC_ALL=C sort) tmpfile=$(mktemp) trap 'rm -f "$tmpfile"' EXIT for DEP_NAME in "${NEW_DEPENDENCIES[@]}" do NEW_VERSION=$(yq e ".dependencies[] | select(.name == \"$DEP_NAME\") | .version" -P Chart.yaml) OLD_VERSION=$(git show "origin/$DEFAULT_BRANCH:./Chart.yaml" | yq e ".dependencies[] | select(.name == \"$DEP_NAME\") | .version" -P -) if [ "${NEW_VERSION}" != "${OLD_VERSION}" ]; then printf "%s\n" "- kind: changed" >> "${tmpfile}" printf " description: Upgraded \`%s\` chart dependency to version \`%s\`.\n" "${DEP_NAME}" "${NEW_VERSION}" >> "${tmpfile}" fi done yq eval-all --inplace 'select(fileIndex == 0).annotations."artifacthub.io/changes" = (select(fileIndex == 1) | to_yaml) | select(fileIndex==0)' Chart.yaml "${tmpfile}" else printf >&2 "%s\n" "No chart folder has been specified." exit 1 fi