image: repository: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 0.14.1@sha256:22e3d0b486df52c3d669682254c2b1bf4205fa6ad8bd8f8c9f7fe76b1517005d tensorrtImage: repository: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 0.14.1-tensorrt@sha256:a4d5b57972d3bc2480217b00f38e77f0532fb9ad2ff8c8244f65e6ec3f2814e4 # When this is defined, the contents will be mounted # as configmap into the container at /config/config.yml. frigateConfig: {} # -- # mqtt: # enabled: False # cameras: # dummy: # enabled: False # ffmpeg: # inputs: # - path: rtsp:// # roles: # - detect workload: main: podSpec: initContainers: init-config: enabled: "{{ not .Values.frigateConfig }}" type: init imageSelector: alpineImage command: - /bin/sh - -c - | mkdir -p /config if [ ! -f /config/config.yml ]; then echo "Config file not found, copying dummy..." cp /dummy-config/config.yml /config/config.yml echo "Config file copied, you can now edit it at /config/config.yml" else echo "Config file found, you can edit it at /config/config.yml" fi securityContext: container: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 service: main: ports: main: port: 10500 protocol: http targetPort: 5000 rtmp: enabled: true ports: rtmp: enabled: true port: 1935 targetPort: 1935 rtsp: enabled: true ports: rtsp: enabled: true port: 8554 targetPort: 8554 webrtc: enabled: true ports: webrtc-tcp: enabled: true port: 8555 targetPort: 8555 webrtc-udp: enabled: true port: 8555 protocol: udp targetPort: 8555 persistence: media: enabled: true mountPath: /media config: enabled: true mountPath: /config targetSelector: main: main: {} init-config: {} portal: open: enabled: true