# Include{groups} portals: open: # Include{portalLink} path: "/" admin: # Include{portalLink} path: "/admin/" questions: # Include{global} # Include{workload} # Include{workloadDeployment} # Include{replicas1} # Include{podSpec} # Include{containerMain} # Include{containerBasic} # Include{containerAdvanced} - variable: env group: "App Configuration" label: "Image Environment" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: ALLOWED_HOSTS label: "ALLOWED_HOSTS" description: "Must be a valid domain or * (* is not recommended for production)" schema: type: string default: "localhost" required: true - variable: AUTO_SIGNUP label: "AUTO_SIGNUP" description: "Enable automatic signup" schema: type: boolean default: false - variable: LANGUAGE_CODE label: "LANGUAGE_CODE" description: "Django language code" schema: type: string default: "en-us" required: true - variable: DEBUG label: "DEBUG" description: "Output additional messages from `/entrypoint.sh`. It doesn't change the output of the Etebase server." schema: type: boolean default: false - variable: SHELL_DEBUG label: "SHELL_DEBUG" description: "Run `/entrypoint.sh` with `set -x`" schema: type: boolean default: false - variable: DEBUG_DJANGO label: "DEBUG_DJANGO" description: "Enable Django debug mode (not recommended for production)" schema: type: boolean default: false - variable: SUPER_USER label: "SUPER_USER" description: "Username of the Django superuser (First Install Only)" schema: type: string default: "admin" required: true - variable: SUPER_PASS label: "SUPER_PASS" description: "Password of the Django superuser (First Install Only). Will be generated if left unset." schema: type: string default: "" private: true - variable: SUPER_EMAIL label: "SUPER_EMAIL" description: "Email of the Django superuser (First Install Only)" schema: type: string default: "" # Include{containerConfig} # Include{podOptions} # Include{serviceRoot} - variable: main label: "Main Service" description: "The Primary service on which the healthcheck runs, often the webUI" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{serviceSelectorLoadBalancer} # Include{serviceSelectorExtras} - variable: main label: "Main Service Port Configuration" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: - variable: port label: "Port" description: "This port exposes the container port on the service" schema: type: int default: 10254 required: true # Include{serviceExpertRoot} # Include{serviceExpert} # Include{serviceList} # Include{persistenceRoot} - variable: app label: "App Storage" description: "This is the volume where all user data and server configuration is located." schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{persistenceBasic} # Include{persistenceList} # Include{ingressRoot} - variable: main label: "Main Ingress" schema: additional_attrs: true type: dict attrs: # Include{ingressDefault} # Include{ingressTLS} # Include{ingressTraefik} # Include{ingressAdvanced} # Include{ingressList} # Include{securityContextRoot} - variable: runAsUser label: "runAsUser" description: "The UserID of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 373 - variable: runAsGroup label: "runAsGroup" description: "The groupID this App of the user running the application" schema: type: int default: 373 # Include{securityContextContainer} # Include{securityContextAdvanced} # Include{securityContextPod} - variable: fsGroup label: "fsGroup" description: "The group that should own ALL storage." schema: type: int default: 373 # Include{resources} # Include{advanced} # Include{addons} # Include{codeserver} # Include{netshoot} # Include{vpn} # Include{documentation}