image: repository: tag: latest@sha256:7a8bc4a5106cafcf6d7b7a8deba3c7d842654c0a135edb960828ead7927d40a7 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: main: ports: main: enabled: false metrics: enabled: true port: 10101 targetPort: 8080 # env: # DISCORD_TOKEN: metrics: # -- Enable and configure a Prometheus serviceMonitor for the chart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml enabled: false serviceMonitor: interval: 1m scrapeTimeout: 30s labels: {} # -- Enable and configure Prometheus Rules for the chart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml prometheusRule: enabled: false labels: {} # -- Configure additionial rules for the chart under this key. # @default -- See prometheusrules.yaml rules: [] # - alert: PromcordAbsent # annotations: # description: Promcord has disappeared from Prometheus service discovery. # summary: Promcord is disabled. # expr: | # absent(up{job=~".promcord.*"} == 1) # for: 15m # labels: # severity: critical