image: repository: eclipse-mosquitto tag: 2.0.18@sha256:77b9bfa245eca20c3e9609de0500ae8eddb98bf5a67351ec86abe3bb7ffc0087 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: main: ports: main: port: 1883 targetPort: 1883 websockets: enabled: true ports: websockets: enabled: true port: 9001 targetPort: 9001 workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: probes: liveness: enabled: true type: tcp port: 1883 readiness: enabled: true type: tcp port: 1883 startup: enabled: true type: tcp port: 1883 ingress: websockets: enabled: false targetSelector: websockets: websockets auth: # -- By enabling this, `allow_anonymous` gets set to `false` in the mosquitto config. enabled: false websockets: # -- By enabling this, an additional listener with protocol websockets is added in the mosquitto config. enabled: false configmap: config: enabled: true data: mosquitto.conf: | listener {{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.targetPort }} {{- if .Values.websockets.enabled }} listener {{ .Values.service.websockets.ports.websockets.targetPort }} protocol websockets {{- end }} {{- if .Values.auth.enabled }} allow_anonymous false {{- else }} allow_anonymous true {{- end }} {{- if }} persistence true persistence_location {{ }} autosave_interval 1800 {{- end }} {{- if .Values.persistence.configinc.enabled }} include_dir {{ .Values.persistence.configinc.mountPath }} {{- end }} persistence: data: enabled: true mountPath: "/mosquitto/data" configinc: enabled: true mountPath: "/mosquitto/configinc" mosquitto-config: enabled: true mountPath: "/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf" subPath: "mosquitto.conf" type: configmap objectName: config portal: open: enabled: false