# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 Jip-Hop and the Jailmakers # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only [project] name = "jlmkr" description = "Build and manage jails on TrueNAS SCALE" dynamic = ["version"] readme = "README.md" classifiers = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)", "Private :: Do Not Upload", ] authors = [ {name = "Jip-Hop"}, {name = "Lockszmith-GH"}, {name = "jonct"}, ] maintainers = [ {name = "Jip-Hop"}, ] requires-python = ">=3.8" [project.urls] GitHub = "https://github.com/Jip-Hop/jailmaker" [build-system] requires = [ "hatchling", "hatch-zipapp @ file:src/builder/app", "hatch-appzip @ file:src/builder/zip", ] build-backend = "hatchling.build" [project.scripts] jlmkr = "jlmkr:__main__" [tool.hatch.version] path = "src/jlmkr/__main__.py" # or source = "vcs" [tool.hatch.build.zipapp] dependencies = ["hatch-zipapp-builder @ file:src/builder/app"] [tool.hatch.build.appzip] dependencies = ["hatch-appzip-builder @ file:src/builder/zip"] [tool.hatch.build.targets.custom] path = "src/builder/builder.py" [tool.hatch.env] requires = [ "hatch-zipapp @ file:src/builder/app", "hatch-appzip @ file:src/builder/zip", ] [[tool.hatch.envs.test.matrix]] python = [ "3.11", # TrueNAS SCALE 24.04 Dragonfish ] [tool.hatch.envs.types] extra-dependencies = [ "mypy>=1.0.0", ] [tool.hatch.envs.types.scripts] check = "mypy --install-types --non-interactive {args:src/jlmkr tests}" [tool.coverage.run] source_pkgs = ["jlmkr", "tests"] branch = true parallel = true omit = [ "src/jlmkr/__about__.py", ] [tool.coverage.paths] jlmkr = ["src/jlmkr"] tests = ["src/tests"] [tool.coverage.report] exclude_lines = [ "no cov", "if __name__ == .__main__.:", "if TYPE_CHECKING:", ]