echo "$(date) SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL='$SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL'; snippet/bash" >> /tmp/default_shell ## Place the following line at the top of your .zshrc to make powershell your default shell. ## __P=".local/share/powershell/Scripts/shell-loading-snippets/$(basename $SHELL)"; find ~/$__P -exec true \; && . ~/$__P function PowerShellLauncher() { export SZ_POWERSHELL_LAUNCER_CALLED=1 [[ $- != *i* ]] && return if [[ -x ~/.dotnet/tools/pwsh && "1" != "$(which pwsh > /dev/null && echo 1)" ]]; then PWSH='~/.dotnet/tools/pwsh' alias pwsh="$PWSH " export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1 fi echo "$(date) SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL='$SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL'; pwsh: $(which pwsh); Setup-ScriptEnv: $(ls ~/.local/share/powershell/Scripts/Setup-ScriptEnv.ps1) " >> /tmp/default_shell if [[ "$SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL" != "1" ]]; then export SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL=1 if [[ "1" == "$(which pwsh > /dev/null && echo 1)" && -f ~/.local/share/powershell/Scripts/Setup-ScriptEnv.ps1 ]]; then echo 'Starting PowerShell SZcripts...' echo "pwsh" >> /tmp/default_shell pwsh if [[ ! -f /tmp/keep_shell_after_pwsh ]]; then exit fi fi fi echo "continue" >> /tmp/default_shell export SZ_SKIP_DEFAULT_SHELL=1 } [[ "$SZ_POWERSHELL_LAUNCER_CALLED" != "1" ]] && PowerShellLauncher