<# .SYNOPSIS Sends ICMPv4 echo request packets to a given IPv4 address with various payload sizes until the maximum transmission unit is found. .DESCRIPTION Inspired by the script of Charles_1.0 I created a function that uses the .Net ping class to find the biggest transmission unit size. It simple and fast. Just open Powershell, run the script and type Find-MTU to get the result. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet. .OUTPUTS The function returns an integer that represents the MTU size. .NOTES Author: G.A.F.F. Jakobs Version: 1.3 .EXAMPLE Find-MTU .LINK http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Find-the-Biggest-MTU-size-ff1c6069 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,ConfirmImpact='Low')] Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [System.Net.IPAddress]$IPaddress ) $Ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping $PingOptions = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions $PingOptions.DontFragment = $true [int]$Timeout = 1000 [int]$SmallMTU=1 [int]$LargeMTU=35840 [byte[]]$databuffer = ,0xAC * $LargeMTU #action While (-not ($SmallMTU -eq ($LargeMTU - 1))) { [int]$xTest= ($LargeMTU - $SmallMTU) / 2 + $SmallMTU $PingReply = $Ping.Send($IPaddress, $Timeout, $($DataBuffer[1..$xTest]), $PingOptions) Write-Verbose "testing $($xTest + 28) byte transmission unit size" if ($PingReply.Status -match "Success"){ $SmallMTU = $xTest } else{ $LargeMTU = $xTest } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 } If($SmallMTU -eq 1){ Write-Error "The IP address $IPaddress does not respond." }else{ return $SmallMTU + 28 # add 28 bytes because 20 bytes are reserved for the IP header and 8 bytes must be allocated for the ICMP Echo Request header. }