# PowerShell Scripts These are the scripts that go into $MyPSScriptRoot which is part of my $env:PATH. The development of these is documented in my blog: https://blog.lksz.me They are provided 'as is' for your review and for your reuse. This envrionment can be installed using one the following options: ### The Short, yet safer way ```PowerShell iwr https://lksz.me/pwsz | iex ``` This sets up the `$PROFILE` file, and initilizes the default dir, but nothing else is done. Cloning the repo, is something you'll need to deal with on your own, or you can call the next line. ### The [prefered] Short, but with control option ```PowerShell $sfw=1; iwr https://lksz.me/pwsz | iex; _setup [-sudo] [-Force] [-GitClone] [-GitURL ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [] ``` This will setup the `$PROFILE` file properly, and when the `-GitClone` switch is used, the git repo is cloned into `$MyPSScriptRoot`. ### The 'I don't trust one liners, what's going on ?!?' option Follow the instructions in the initial [blog post](https://blog.lksz.me/keeping-track-of-everything/#-mypsscriptroot) which contains the steps for cloning and using the env as your own. In the above one-liners, `https://lksz.me/pwsz` actually points to the [Setup-Profile.ps1] file, which means, that after you have the `Scripts` directory setup, you can all `Setup-Profile` to setup the `$PROFILE` file.