Major cleanup and testing added

+ added: bin/ shell script
+ fixed: chezmoi external configuration moved to _home
+ fixed: vi/vim/nvim aliases
+ fixed: bash_completion testsing
This commit is contained in:
Lockszmith 2022-05-29 01:46:21 +00:00
parent d916c3315d
commit 86608fbc83
5 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
function check-exist() {
_TEST_PATH=${2:-$(type -fP $_TEST_NAME | head -1 2>/dev/null)}
[[ -n "$_TEST_PATH" ]] && eval "[[ ${3:--x} ${_TEST_PATH// /\\ } ]]" && _TEST_RESULT='Found'
printf "%-30s: %-8s %s \n" "$_TEST_NAME" "$_TEST_RESULT" "${4}"
echo "Shell: $SHELL"
echo ""
echo "vi editor(s) found:"
echo "$(type -fP nvim vim vi)"
echo ""
check-exist "Byobu" "/usr/bin/byobu-launch"
check-exist "oh-my-posh"
check-exist "~/.poshtheme.omp.json" "oh-my-posh config" "-r"
check-exist "tmux"
check-exist "git"
check-exist "emacs"
check-exist "terraform"
check-exist "setxkbmap"
check-exist "chezmoi"
check-exist "gcloud"
check-exist 'bash completion' '/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion' '-r'
check-exist 'CodeNewRoman Nerd Font' '~/.local/share/fonts/NF_CodeNewRoman' '-d'
check-exist 'FiraCode Nerd Font' '~/.local/share/fonts/NF_FiraCode' '-d'
check-exist '~/bin' "~/bin" '-d' '(Optional)'
check-exist '~/.local/bin' "~/.local/bin" '-d' '(Optional)'
echo ""

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@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
alias sudo="/usr/bin/sudo " alias sudo="/usr/bin/sudo "
PREFERED_VI=$(type -fP nvim vim | head -1) PREFERED_VI=$(type -fP nvim vim | head -1)
[[ -z "$PREFERED_VI" ]] && PREFERED_VI=$(type -fP vi | head -1) || alias vi_editor="$PREFERED_VI -p " if [[ -z "$PREFERED_VI" ]]; then
[[ -z "$PREFERED_VI" ]] && alias vi_editor='eval $EDITOR ' || alias vi_editor="$PREFERED_VI " PREFERED_VI=$(type -fP vi | head -1)
if [[ -z "$PREFERED_VI" ]]; then
alias vi_editor='eval $EDITOR '
alias vi_editor="$PREFERED_VI "
alias vi_editor="$PREFERED_VI -p "
alias nvim="vi_editor " alias nvim="vi_editor "
alias vim="vi_editor " alias vim="vi_editor "
alias vi="vi_editor " alias vi="vi_editor "

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@ -1 +1 @@
[[ -x /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]] && BASH_COMPLETION_EXIST=1 [[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]] && BASH_COMPLETION_EXIST=1