## chezmoi dotfiles repo ## Quickest init + apply 1. Make sure `curl` is installed > ``` > # Bash/Sh/Zsh > . <(curl -fsLS lksz.me/dotfiles.sh) > > # PowerShell > . <(curl -fsLS lksz.me/dotfiles.ps1) > ``` ## Quick install Initialize `chezmoi` and `apply`: #### using GitHub HTTPS shorthand ``` sh -c "$(curl -fsLS chezmoi.io/get)" -- init --apply Lockszmith ``` #### using GitHub over SSH 1. Make sure the SSH-Key are setup in [SSH and GPG Keys](https://github.com/settings/keys) ([add](https://github.com/settings/ssh/new)) ``` sh -c "$(curl -fsLS chezmoi.io/get)" -- init --apply git@github.com:Lockszmith/dotfiles.git ``` ## Troubleshooting Run the [`sz-doctor.sh`](_home/bin/executable_sz-doctor.sh) shell script, it should be installed into the `~/bin` dir by chezmoi, if chezmoi fialed, you can still download it directly from the web buy running: ``` > curl -fsLS lksz.me/sz-doctor.sh | bash ```