if ( uname --kernel-release | grep -q truenas ); then # Completion code is only avialable with `sudo`, the aliases below # are desined for 'lazy-loading' the completion code, when it's time # to enter the sudo password. if [[ -n "$(which-command 'k3s')" ]]; then alias kubectl=' \ ### Lazy load `kubectl` bash-completion \ alias kubectl="sudo k3s kubectl "; \ source <( kubectl completion bash ); \ sudo k3s kubectl ' fi if [[ -n "$(which-command 'helm')" ]]; then alias helm=' \ ### Lazy load `helm` bash-completion \ alias helm="sudo KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml helm "; \ source <( helm completion bash ); \ sudo KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml helm ' fi fi