#! /usr/bin/env bash unset MISSING_APT_PACKAGES export MISSING_APT_PACKAGES=() SUGGESTED=() APT_OK=$([[ -e $(type -fP apt) ]] && [[ -x $(type -fP apt | head -1) ]] && echo 'true' || echo 'false') PACKAGE_SOURCES=$( \ grep -h ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* \ | sed 's/\[.*\] //; s/^deb //' \ | sort -u\ ) function print-result() { printf "%-30s: %-8s %s \n" "$1" "$2" "$3" } function test-print() { if [[ -n "$FAIL_EVERYTHING" || $(eval $1) ]]; then echo $3 else echo $2 fi } function safe-add() { SAVE_IFS="$IFS" IFS=':' eval "$1+=($2)" eval "$1=($(eval "echo $(printf '$IFS${%s[*]}$IFS' "$1")" | xargs -n1 echo | sort -u))" IFS="$SAVE_IFS" unset SAVE_IFS } KNOWN_REPOS=() # REPO__HOSTNAME=Full.Qualified.Domain.Name.com # REPO__PROTOCOL=http|https # REPO__PATH=/ or /deeper/but/never/blank function add-known-repo() { safe-add 'KNOWN_REPOS' "$1" eval "REPO_$1_HOSTNAME='$2'" eval "REPO_$1_PROTOCOL='${3:-http}'" eval "REPO_$1_PATH='${4:-/}'" eval "REPO_$1_KEYWORD='${5}'" } add-known-repo 'terraform' 'apt.releases.hashicorp.com' 'https' add-known-repo 'terraform' 'apt.releases.hashicorp.com' 'https' # add-known-repo 'docker' 'download.docker.com' 'https' # add-known-repo 'anydesk' 'deb.anydesk.com' 'https' # add-known-repo 'gcloud' 'packages.cloud.google.com' 'https' # add-known-repo 'microsoft' 'packages.microsoft.com' 'https' add-known-repo 'debian_sid' 'http.us.debian.org' 'http' '' 'sid' # set | grep '^REPO' # check-exist [path:default is $(type $1)] [test operator: default is -x] [Found note: default blank] [missing note: default blank] [reponame: default blank] function check-exist() { _RETURN_EVAL='true' _TEST_RESULT='Missing' _TEST_NAME=$1 _TEST_PATH=${2:-$(type -fP $_TEST_NAME | head -1 2>/dev/null)} [[ -n "$_TEST_PATH" ]] && eval "[[ ${3:--x} ${_TEST_PATH// /\\ } ]]" && _TEST_RESULT='Found' || _RETURN_EVAL='false' [[ -n "$FAIL_EVERYTHING" ]] && _TEST_RESULT="-$_TEST_RESULT" && _RETURN_EVAL='false' eval $_RETURN_EVAL && _TEST_NOTE="${4}" || _TEST_NOTE="${5}" print-result "$_TEST_NAME" "$_TEST_RESULT" "$_TEST_NOTE" eval $_RETURN_EVAL } echo "Shell: $SHELL" echo '' #_ALT_EDITOR=$( update-alternatives --get-selections | grep '^editor' | sed 's:^editor\W\+\w\+\W\+/:/:' ) _ALT_EDITOR=$( update-alternatives --query editor | grep '^Value:' | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's: *\(.*\) *:\1:g' ) print-result "System prefered editor" "$_ALT_EDITOR" ( echo $_ALT_EDITOR | grep "nano$" >/dev/null ) && echo "Recommended to run: update-alternatives --set editor $(type -fP nvim vim.basic vim.tiny vi | head -1)" echo "editors found:" update-alternatives --query editor | grep Alternative: | cut -d: -f2 echo '' print-result 'Executable `apt`' $(test-print $APT_OK "Found" "Missing") "$(test-print $APT_OK '' "$(printf 'repair by running:\n%-41sfix-apt.sh')" )" echo '' check-exist "Byobu" "/usr/bin/byobu-launch" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('byobu') check-exist "oh-my-posh" check-exist "~/.poshtheme.omp.json" "~/.poshtheme.omp.json" "-r" check-exist "tmux" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('tmux') check-exist "git" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('git') check-exist "emacs" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('emacs') check-exist "monit" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('monit') check-exist "terraform" '' '' '' "$( \ [[ -r /usr/share/keyrings/apt.releases.hashicorp.com.gpg ]] \ && MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('terraform') \ || echo 'fix missing repos (See SUGGESTED below)' \ )" \ || SUGGESTED+=( 'sz-add-my-apt-repos' '# followed by:' 'sudo apt install terraform', '' ) check-exist "setxkbmap" || MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('setxkbmap') check-exist "chezmoi" '' '' '' 'wget -O- chezmoi.io/get | bash # or # wget -O- lksz.me/dotfiles | bash' check-exist "gcloud" '' '' '' "$( \ [[ -r /usr/share/keyrings/apt.releases.hashicorp.com.gpg ]] \ && MISSING_APT_PACKAGES+=('terraform') \ || echo 'fix missing repos (See SUGGESTED below)' \ )" \ || SUGGESTED+=( 'sz-add-my-apt-repos' '# followed by:' 'sudo apt install gcloud', '' ) check-exist 'bash completion' '/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion' '-r' check-exist 'CodeNewRoman Nerd Font' '~/.local/share/fonts/NF_CodeNewRoman' '-d' check-exist 'FiraCode Nerd Font' '~/.local/share/fonts/NF_FiraCode' '-d' check-exist '~/bin' "~/bin" '-d' '(Optional)' check-exist '~/.local/bin' "~/.local/bin" '-d' '(Optional)' echo "" [[ -n $SUGGESTED ]] && echo 'You might want to run the following commands:' && printf " %s\n" "${SUGGESTED[@]}" [[ -n $MISSING_APT_PACKAGES ]] && printf "There are some missing APT packages, run the following command line to add them:\n\tsudo apt install ${MISSING_APT_PACKAGES[*]}\n\n"