![]() .bashrc will skip .swp files (editors leave those while open) bin.path renamed to path.env and PATH manipulation should be 'cleaner' it adds required dirs to paths, but also makes sure no duplicates are inserted. chezmoi logic split, and status is seperated from aliases. Disable chezmoi status on load, as it is SLOW. |
.init_script | ||
_home | ||
.chezmoiroot | ||
chezmoi dotfiles repo
Quickest init + apply
- Make sure
is installed
# Bash/Sh/Zsh . <(curl -fsLS lksz.me/dotfiles.sh) # PowerShell . <(curl -fsLS lksz.me/dotfiles.ps1)
Quick install
Initialize chezmoi
and apply
using GitHub HTTPS shorthand
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS chezmoi.io/get)" -- init --apply Lockszmith
using GitHub over SSH
- Make sure the SSH-Key are setup in SSH and GPG Keys (add)
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS chezmoi.io/get)" -- init --apply git@github.com:Lockszmith/dotfiles.git