#! /usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) USER_HOME=$HOME [[ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]] && USER_HOME="$(eval "echo ~${SUDO_USER}")" . ${SHRC_D:-$SCRIPT_DIR}/01_util.functions set -e JSON=0 if [[ $# -gt 0 && "$1" =~ ^-- ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then cat <] [app1] [app...] Description: When running the script (as root) without any arguments, it will list all TrueChart apps with database credential secrets. The scope can be narrowed by passing app name arguments. The FIRST argument, however, will affect the output: --help - Display this usage text. --json - Output all fields in JSON format --cols= - Where can be empty, a preset name or a comma delimited list of columns. An empty string will show the default preset. Presets: default - The default preset safe - Similar to the default, but without the password column debug - Full connection URL with password masked with asterisks ('******') Columns: name - App name, preceding with ix- raw_url - DB connection URL as it is stored in kubernetes secrets. This can only be used within the same pod url - Fully formed URL. safeurl - Same as url, with password masked. protocol - Connection protocol. username - DB Username password - Password pwd_len - Password length host - Hostname port - Conection Port dbname - DB name When '--cols' is not specified, default behavious can be overridden by exporting the TCDBCOLS envrionment variable. --cols takes presedence, and overrides any behavior dictated by the environment variable USAGE exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "--json" ]]; then JSON=1 elif [[ "$1" =~ ^--cols ]]; then [[ "$1" =~ ^--cols= ]] || shift TCDBCOLS="${1#--cols=}" fi shift fi TCDBCOLS="${TCDBCOLS:-default}" case "$TCDBCOLS" in 'default' ) TCDBCOLS='name,protocol,username,password,pwd_len,host,port,dbname' ;; 'safe' ) TCDBCOLS='name,protocol,username,pwd_len,host,port,dbname' ;; 'debug' ) TCDBCOLS='name,safeurl' ;; esac require_root QUERY_NAMESPACE=' -A' [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || QUERY_NAMESPACE=$( printf -- ' --namespace=ix-%s' "${@}" ) jqcode=' .items[] | select(.metadata.name|test("(dbcreds|cnpg-main-urls)$$")) | { "name": .metadata.namespace, "app": .metadata.labels."app.kubernetes.io/instance", "url": (if .data.url != null then .data.url else .data.std end) | @base64d, "data": ( (if .data.url != null then .data.url else .data.std end) | @base64d | match("(.*)://(.+):(.+)@([^:]+)(:(\\d+))?/(.*)$") | .captures | { "protocol": .[0].string, "username": .[1].string, "password": .[2].string, "passwordlen": .[2].string | length, "host": .[3].string, "safeport": .[4].string, "port": .[5].string, "dbname": .[6].string, } ) } | { "name": .name, "raw_url": .url, "url": "\(.data.protocol)://\(.data.username)@\(.data.password):\(.data.host).\(.name).svc.cluster.local\(.data.safeport)/\(.data.dbname)", "safeurl": "\(.data.protocol)://\(.data.username)@*******:\(.data.host).\(.name).svc.cluster.local\(.data.safeport)/\(.data.dbname)", "protocol": .data.protocol, "username": .data.username, "password": .data.password, "pwd_len": .data.passwordlen, "host": "\(.data.host).\(.name).svc.cluster.local", "port": .data.port, "dbname": .data.dbname } ' json_results=$( <<<"${QUERY_NAMESPACE}" \ xargs -n1 k3s kubectl \ get secrets \ --output json \ | jq "$jqcode" ) [[ "$JSON" -eq 1 ]] && echo "$json_results" && exit 0 JQ_COLS="[$( <<<"\"$TCDBCOLS\"" \ jq -r '. | split(",") | map( "\"\(.)\"" ) | join(",")' )]" JQ_COLS_REGEX="$( <<<"$JQ_COLS" \ jq -r '. | map ( ".\(.)" ) | join(",")' )" jqcode=' ['"${JQ_COLS^^}"'] + [.[] | ['"$JQ_COLS_REGEX"'] ] | .[] | join("|") ' <<<"$json_results" jq -s '.' | jq -r "$jqcode" | column -t -s "|" exit 0